Anonymous ID: b22a17 Aug. 25, 2024, 6:10 p.m. No.21482154   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Turner Construction particpated in the collection and disposal of the steel wreckage of the WTC towers following September 11, 2001. Turner Construction.

Anonymous ID: b22a17 Aug. 25, 2024, 6:12 p.m. No.21482165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2193



Trump/Harris corporate horror show to keep circling the drain until September


Benjamin Fulford

August 19, 2024


By now a critical mass of Americans, -along with most of the rest of the world- understand the ongoing US “Presidential election” is just corporate theater. They also understand that at the end of the day, neither Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will actually end up in control of the Untied (deliberate typo) States. The reason is simple: the US now has total debts and unfunded liabilities of over $250 trillion. Even if Trump keeps his promise to drastically cut US government spending, it will be too little too late. To pay off its debt, the US Corporate government would have to spend zero money for the next 40 years. That means no military, no public works, no social security, no welfare, etc. This is obviously impossible yet, the rest of the world will no longer finance the Israeli-controlled Satanic horror show that the once proud Republic of the United States of America has degenerated into. As a visible example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is bankrupt.

Anonymous ID: b22a17 Aug. 25, 2024, 6:18 p.m. No.21482193   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This means the US has to choose between a collapse into anarchy or a public declaration of bankruptcy, a jubilee and a restoration of control to the people.


Having said that: the ongoing battle between Harris and Trump represents a real fight to the death (on the deck of a sinking ship) between two different corporate factions.


The people behind Harris are the Rockefeller and Soros factions of the Khazarian Mafia. This group controls big pharma, much of big oil, Google, Meta, Microsoft and the UN plus the WHO. They are starting their Harris for President love-fest today. This group is hoping to stay in power by sucking up aggressively to China in exchange for money (They have already offered to hand over Taiwan and Japan) and turning the US into a communist dictatorship. They hope to fool the public into supporting them with offers of government hand-outs. They are also counting on widespread fraud to steal the election.


The people behind Trump are the Harriman faction (former Bush backers) as well as the UK branch of the Rothschilds led by Nathaniel. Among other things they control big banks, a lot of oil as well as many of the big military industrial corporations. They are allied with Elon Musk (National