Anonymous ID: a05f4b Aug. 26, 2024, 4:30 a.m. No.21483526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3537 >>3620


after they repented perhaps.

you don't understand scripture or the story of the Bible.

the point: even though many of the people were horrid God knew that many of them weren't.

and we are ALL sinners.

see how you are here accusing people who have been dead for thousands of years and then mocking God.

you seem to be a lot like them.

Anonymous ID: a05f4b Aug. 26, 2024, 4:48 a.m. No.21483611   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this one uses a stock putdown form, which is basically a copypaste.

it works with the other one is my guess, always here, always insulting everyone, mocking everything, acting as a bully, all to make everyone else that might use these boards hurt or pain.


you behavior is so well known here, and your methods so obvious that you are an easy filter.

Anonymous ID: a05f4b Aug. 26, 2024, 4:50 a.m. No.21483621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3626




the psyop of mocking Jesus and God is continued by posting mocking images.

they'll do the 'don't you love the truth bit' if I keep pointing out what they do.

Anonymous ID: a05f4b Aug. 26, 2024, 4:53 a.m. No.21483631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3640


trying to dominate the conversation and the board by constantly mocking everything is a form of censorship by making the board odious and full of hate.

It's a psyop, anon.

you know it's a psyop.

somethings shouldn't be ridiculed and you do it merely to be a board-dominate.

Anonymous ID: a05f4b Aug. 26, 2024, 5:03 a.m. No.21483684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3696 >>4359 >>4391


i'm not a judge and I'm not in front of a court as a witness so how am I baring false witness?

do you think this is a court of law here?

what consequences are there by my anonymously saying what I'm saying, even if I get some of the details wrong because you censorship through overloading the board people IP hop and then claim 'oh, it wasn't me?'

plus I'm anonymous and as far as that goes whatever I say isn't used to condemn you, is it.

It points out what happens here, how people flood the board with nonsense and want conflict and discord and keep it up and pig pile on anyone else who dares point out how they mock and insult and defame and act like bullies.


do you not see it happening here all day anon?

the topic of God and the topic of censorship are favorites of the censors who fllod the board with mocking about these things, and take extreme positions that are untenible and then do the 'nunt-uh' second grader gas-lighting bit.


'go to hell ?'

anon you don't get to say who does and doesn't go to hell. Nor do you know what anyone here believes because they all wear masks, so stop casting them into your imagined hell.

they have their own hells of which they will become fully aware unless they repent, but that's between them and their Maker, not between them and you.

so that's why it's you mocking, anon, because you do know this but you do your bit (and it is a bit) anyway.

and if I get it wrong it no harm and no fowl.

Anonymous ID: a05f4b Aug. 26, 2024, 5:08 a.m. No.21483724   🗄️.is 🔗kun


continues with it.

I don't make up stuff, I describe.

I might get it wrong because you folks do the gas lighting IP hopping to do the confusing.

you using that term about me proves to me what you are doing: satanic mocking.


you are so addicted to your putdowns and your condemnation that you come here to set up situations where Christian people defend decency and then you get to use your putdowns.


pretty sad, anon, that you are like this.

I bet your life is rather horrible, and people don't really deal well with you.

do you spew this crap at the people you meet in your life or is this personality just for anonymous on line bullying?

Anonymous ID: a05f4b Aug. 26, 2024, 5:14 a.m. No.21483756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3768 >>3802 >>3806


any discussion of it in a cutsie way as you suggest is flurting with the abomination of it and prudent people who want to protect lives don't care about your sophmoric explanations which basically dance around the issues.

you put your self into their sights by being a jerk and discussing it in the first place.

you know this, you do it anyway, and you do it to cause problems here and that's why you get deleted.

protection of the people they are charged to protect trumps the 'free speech is my idol which I worship like a pagan worships Mollac' bit that you do in the eyes of those charged with protecting the people whom they are charged to protect.


so maybe they don't follow the letter of the law and maybe you get taken in for questioning, Ip hopper.