Anonymous ID: 85de7a Aug. 26, 2024, 9:16 a.m. No.21485161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5180


so based on what you get to decide who or what is guilty? what happens when the courts are corrupted do you trust the state to take life? why does the state decide? Is forgiveness or redemption part of your lexicon?

Anonymous ID: 85de7a Aug. 26, 2024, 9:27 a.m. No.21485205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5233


would you trust a jury of your supposed peers at this point either? Considering the judgements against Trump for instance where the Jury was given fraudulent rigged instructions, not to mention the ability of the court to limit testimony or evidence or even hide it in some cases. Why trust the court, the jury is manipulated by the courts.


There comes a time when swords have to eventually be put down, does not mean that the anger does not exist but by that standard women who have abortions should be considered murderers and since they took the most innocent of life they should be killed. That is where this logic leads. So it does not matter really, and trust me anger exists to the point you want to see people ended. But I think we should rise above that if all possible. Then you get into scale. Imagine the worst serial killer you can and if they do not reach the numbers as Fauci for instance how can their punishment be equal and just? Is one murder the same as 100? These are hard moral quiestions that people are not able to answer and they put it off on to the state to decide. Back at do you trust the state to decide?

Anonymous ID: 85de7a Aug. 26, 2024, 9:44 a.m. No.21485261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


at least you are creative

The problem with war is that for some the war never ends. They never place the sword down and they will always see everyone as the enemy. Many people have been hurt at many levels of this war and some do not even see the damage yet because their foundations have not crumbled or they are so insulated from pain they never experienced fuck all. People have been manipulated by so many factors we are all broken down slaves at different states of rebellion. The problem becomes though that some slaves need the pods and to be plugged in still, and not everyone can wake up at the same time, so the system has to continue to run down until a time they can be unplugged. Part of me wants the band aid pull because fuck this entire shit show, I am not the person I came in as and have not decided if it is for better or worse. I just do not know who to blame for all of this knowing the lies have been perpetuated so long. Just more damaged people doing more damaged things damaging more people and the chain has to break at some point. Killing doesn't end it, just transfers it. The illusion of justice and these concepts, all an illusion.

Anonymous ID: 85de7a Aug. 26, 2024, 10:05 a.m. No.21485323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5383


yup its a reversal. Trump is saying well I already agreed and why are you changing it now. He is fucking with them they say he is week because of no muting and he wants to silence a strong black woman. Which is partially true because it would get into a shouting match and her bobbing her head and wagging her finger. It is a hilarious reversal.

Anonymous ID: 85de7a Aug. 26, 2024, 10:32 a.m. No.21485396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5419


all it says is that she does not want to honor deals made. They want to paint Trump and being cowardly and that he needs to maintain a controlled thing so that this is a safety valve for him and he needs the protection now instead of just giving her what she wants. They will then again say he is cowardly. They really need to get out in front of saying are we honoring deals made or not. Just because they can not decide on a candidate and then have to do secret back room elections denying people of their choice of Joe Biden does not mean they get to alter the deal.

Anonymous ID: 85de7a Aug. 26, 2024, 10:35 a.m. No.21485407   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the general idea is anon that they will have to cheat to a point where it is mathematically impossible to get those numbers. Of course they are going to cheat. No shit. Then what I think every citizen does is especially if they voted to be allowed to participate in a class action lawsuit against not only their individual state but the federal government for violation of voting rights.