I still can't get over what I watched last night. Just knew what his annoying character brought to the screen back-in-the-day, not the guy behind the character or his historyโฆ Un-fucking-real. I'm honestly in awe.
I want advice from Idi Amin's son about what to think of the deep state about as much as I want Joe Biden's son's advice on how to paint. He's parroting the exact same talking point that the shills gave up spamming in order to imitate like toddlers. If he walks and talks like a clownโฆ
So who's running things right now if Biden was kicked off the ballot after winning the primary? Not to mention after he was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial by that doctor. I have to filter your faggotry now.
Not at all. I can have my opinion and say it without having any emotion involved. Just because I'm not blindly eating the obvious Psy-slop like they expect people to doesn't mean I'm triggered.
Failfag. Mimic. Angry Inch. Simple Legion. Harmless clown. Broken shill.
And repeating it will not make it happen either, little impotent one.
How about that. The mimic pipes up when the "free will" spam stops. Must be a coincidence. Now VaticanClown is spamming Matrix gifs. They have no clue what to do this morning.
And shills obsess. Over an ethnicity, an individual, whatever narrow-minded bullshit they're paid to post, and they continually post it like dumb fucking animals in a place where it's removed. That's indication your propaganda isn't wanted here. That's indication you're here with bad intent. That's indication you're a paid posting piece of shit with an agenda. Filtered for your continual behavior of a dumb animal. Now fire up another baseline, AEI, because you're just so incognito and unstoppable. Faggot.
Nice filename, Simple Legion. I only posted that one three times before you decided to copy down to the filename, though you did put a space between the words but left the postfix the same. Nice for you to admit you consider me something to emulate because it's an obvious sign you consider what you bring here on your own not enough.
>and literally every single Anon wants to be you
No, obviously just you little clowns that don't know what to do anymoar. You're harmless. Literally harmless. And it's better than seeing the dumbfuck merchants and ethnic division copypastas you used to post.
>you're the highest ranking Anon
I'm not Austin.
>You're "the new hotness", remember?
Just to the little Alinsky consensus cracker that's failed for a year and a half. I'm still recognized, and so are you regardless of the superficial costume you're wearing here.
In the place that's to be the news now, all the paid clowns assigned here bring to the table is deception and dishonesty.
Interesting. I remember asking my chem teacher back in high school when he demonstrated splitting water with electrolysis in hydrogen and oxygen why it wasn't used in vehicles after he lit the hydrogen tube on fire with a match to impress the class. He said it wasn't feasible and required too much energy to convert to be efficient. Curious to see the specs of Elon's water engine.
> Elon didnโt invent the water engine,
Yeah, knew that. Read all the conspiracy theories about the guy that invented one back-in-the-day and it was bought by a manufacturer or something and they just buried it, can't remember the exact specifics without re-visiting it.
>but he might be the only one who can survive publicizing it.
Going to have to agree with you on that.
Can't say I've ever owned one of their albums or even downloaded a single mp3 of one of their tunes. Sure, they cranked out a lot of catchy tunes over damn near three decades but the douche at the helm of that band is ruining its credibility the moar time goes on.
It's not the Jews. After being here for over 6.5 years now I'm convinced its the ones who say its the Jews, that imitate them and simultaneously smear them and use them for cover from scrutiny. "Ah hyuk hyuk. Gorsh. Look over there at them. Ah hyuk hyuk. Don't look at us, never at us, just who we tell you to." Dumbfuck faggot.
KEK! For fuck's sake. That's hilarious. If Kabamalabla's husband is now a sex symbol then I'm a fuckin' model with Hollywood good looks. What a fuckin' joke.
>never make me kek again
In my head cannon he smelt his hand when he took it out of her box.
INB4 GrammarKitty
Big fuckin' deal. You hold up small handfuls as if that represents all of them. That's not proof. That's insinuation. If only you clowns had moar time to indoctrinate, but alas, almost all the schemes of your masters were foiled by the number 45 and the letter Q and now you're desperate.
>his is an honor bestowed upon the President to represent the military as Commander in Chief. Not a former President.
That's an interesting little tidbit.NOTABLE
When you have a girlfriend other women see a woman that sees worth in you, and that potentially means you could be of worth to them. At least that's how I always understood it the way I figured it out. There's probably an actual scientific explanation in psychology for that phenomena.
You don't make anyone "seethe" by posting that bullshit. It just gets pointed out for being bullshit. It's funny how the clowns scream "seethe" and "triggered" over getting reasoned responses to the bullshit they peddle. I think those are projections of your emotions, because I can't speak for everyone, but I'm cooler than ice when I'm posting, because I leave my emotions at the door. I have to filter you now.
Failfag. Mimic. Simple Legion. Angry Inch. Broken shill. Harmless clown.