Anonymous ID: b718ae Aug. 26, 2024, 9:09 a.m. No.21485135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5151 >>5165 >>5196




just makin sure people know whe weare dealing with


Every Citizen is a Voter


Board Members

Michael SteeleChair of the Board


Michael Steele is President and CEO of The Steele Group, a company he started in 1999. The Steele Group works with institutional and individual clients to design overall business development, investor, networking, and communications strategies.


Presently, Mr. Steele is a Political Analyst for MSNBC. Mr. Steele’s ability as a communicator and political analyst have long been showcased by his position as a contributor on the Fox News Channel and as a regular host for the Salem Radio Network’s nationally syndicated Morning in America Show. Additionally, Mr. Steele has been an entertaining and eloquent guest on cable political talk shows such as HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher and Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report.


Steele is also co-founder of Purple Nation Solutions a D.C.-based strategic communications and public affairs firm. He and his partner Lanny J. Davis have created a bipartisan, global, one-stop shop where law, media, and politics intersect to provide real solutions employing legal means, political lobbying, and media management.


Mr. Steele’s experiences as a successful elected conservative African-American Republican and his engaging speaking style have launched him into national prominence. Mr. Steele is a sought after speaker and regularly shares his personal story and political philosophy with a wide variety of audiences.


Michael S. Steele served as Chairman of the Republican National Committee on January 30, 2009 - January 14, 2011. Steele left the RNC post after setting a new direction for the Republican Party that led to record-setting fundraising totals and winning more seats at the federal, state, and local level since 1928. This success was achieved by his commitment to actively engage Americans in their local communities and empowering state and local Republican organizations to do the same.


A self-described “Lincoln Republican,” Mr. Steele earned a place in history in 2003 when he was elected Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, becoming the first African-American elected to statewide office in the state. An expert on political strategy and election reform, he served as Chairman of GOPAC, and also held posts on the National Federal Election Reform Commission and the NAACP Blue Ribbon Commission on Election Reform.


Mr. Steele writes a regular column for The Root and BET and his writings on law, business and politics have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times,,, and The Journal of International Security Affairs, among others.


Born in 1958 at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Mr. Steele was raised in Washington, DC. He spent three years as a seminarian in the Order of St. Augustine in preparation for the priesthood, but, ultimately, chose a career in law instead. He earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1991.


Mr. Steele serves on the Administrative Board of the Maryland Catholic Conference and is a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Landover Hills, MD, where he attends mass regularly with his wife Andrea and their two sons.

Anonymous ID: b718ae Aug. 26, 2024, 9:14 a.m. No.21485151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5165 >>5196


>just makin sure people know whe weare dealing with


>Every Citizen is a Voter


>Board Members


>Michael SteeleChair of the Board

Paul ("Chip") LevengoodVice Chair of the Board


Mr. Levengood is Vice Chair of the Board of U.S. Vote Foundation. He served as Chair of the Board from 2007 - March 2017. Being an overseas voter himself, he is an invaluable DC liaison and advisor regarding US Vote strategy.


Throughout his career, Mr. Levengood has worked with nongovernmental organizations handling economic development in less developed countries. In keeping with this life-long engagement, he was Vice Chair of EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV), an international not-for-profit organization working to combat poverty through economic development programs based on sustainable, enterprise-oriented solutions. He was Chairman of VITA before the two organizations merged a few years ago.


Following the merger of EWV with Relief International (RI), he joined the Board of RI and served in the positions of Treasurer and Chair of the Audit Committee. In 2012, Mr Levengood was elected Chairman of the Board of RI and its sister company, RI UK which form a mid-sized international ngo working in a continuum of activities from post disaster, man-made or natural, mitigation through to family and community rebuilding and sustainable enterprise development. The more than 6000 RI employees and stipended volunteers worldwide serve more than 12,000,000 clients each year in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa through RI’s activities in health, education, WASH, enterprise development and emergency relief.


Mr. Levengood retired from the Madrid office of JP Morgan in 2000 after having spent most of his working life either living outside the US or traveling constantly. The second half of his career was in investment banking; the first half was in commercial banking, operations management and systems development. He spent his first ten years working in Latin America including residing in Sao Paulo, the last twenty years dealing with Europe and the Middle East, and more than ten years residing and working in Brussels and Madrid. His final assignment was to manage the firm’s business in Portugal where Chip led capital market transaction in the fixed income and equity markets and in cross border mergers involving Portuguese firms.


Upon graduating from Yale University with a BA in political philosophy, he joined the Peace Corps. He was sent to Costa Rica to work as a rural community development volunteer, an experience that was to be a formative influence in his life. Chip has been elected to the Board of the National Peace Corps Association where he serves as Chair of the Governance Committee. After returning to the US following Peace Corps service, Chip earned an MBA at Columbia University in international finance.


Mr. Levengood and his family divide their time between Madrid where he serves as co-President of the Yale Club of Spain, and center city Philadelphia, PA. He and Katharine, his wife, have two sons and three grandchildren.

Anonymous ID: b718ae Aug. 26, 2024, 9:17 a.m. No.21485165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5196




Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro


Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro is passionate about strengthening civil society.As Deputy Vice President at UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza), the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., she leads efforts to advance fair and effective immigration policies, and to expand Latino civic engagement by helping immigrants become citizens, citizens become voters, and the community overall become an active participant in policy debates. She also designed and leads the Rise Above campaign, an initiative to build a positive, accurate narrative of our changing America that fosters collaborative action.


A frequent media commentator on the Latino electorate and immigration, Martinez De Castro is a graduate of Occidental College and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, a U.S. Vote Foundation board member, a 2015 Presidential Leadership Scholar, and a Nantucket Project 2015 Catalyst Fellow.

Anonymous ID: b718ae Aug. 26, 2024, 9:25 a.m. No.21485196   🗄️.is 🔗kun





My guess is these faggots are harvesting data to assist in The Big Steal 2.0


Voters Abroad and Uniformed Services Members:

Request Your Absentee Ballot with U.S. Vote Foundation


Wherever you are, you carry your right to vote with you. Whether you're an overseas citizen living, working or traveling abroad, or an active duty uniformed services member, military spouse or eligible family member currently outside your voting jurisdiction, you can vote! You simply need to file one form annually to simultaneously register to vote and request your overseas or military absentee ballot. With U.S. Vote Foundation's voter registration/absentee ballot request form generation service, you can ensure that your vote is counted, no matter where you are in the world. Don't miss this opportunity to have a say in the future of your country.