Anonymous ID: 56e980 Aug. 26, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.21485677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Under Coalition Forces control

The area came to be known as the Green Zone during the occupation to refer to an area under the full control of the Coalition Forces, in contrast to the Red Zone.


The Green Zone was the governmental headquarters of the Coalition Provisional Authority that oversaw the public administration of the country from April 2003 until June 2004, when it was succeeded by the Iraqi Interim Government. The latter facilitated the first elections held after the US-led invasion, in 2005.


Entry to the Green Zone was under the control of a small garrison of American troops who manned the various checkpoints. They were typically a battalion of soldiers at FOB Prosperity, under the command of the Multi-National Division – Baghdad. Additionally, a battalion of coalition soldiers from the Republic of Georgia also manned the entry checkpoints.[6]


The Green Zone was completely surrounded by high concrete blast walls, T-Walls and barbed wire fences with access only available through a handful of entry control points, all controlled by Coalition troops.[7] It is this security that made the Green Zone the safest area of Baghdad,[7] and gave its name colloquially as "the bubble".[8] The southern and eastern side of the zone is protected by the Tigris River – the only entrance to the zone from this side is the Arbataash Tamuz (July 14) Bridge (named for the date that the former regime came to power).[9]


The Green Zone was frequently shelled by insurgents with mortars and rockets, though these attacks caused few casualties. In October 2004 it was hit by two suicide bombings, which destroyed the bazaar and the Green Zone Cafe. On April 12, 2007, a bomb went off in the Iraqi Parliament cafeteria, killing Mohammed Awad (a member of the Sunni National Dialogue Front) and injuring 22, including one of the vice presidents. The Green Zone was shelled with rocket and mortar fire almost daily from March 23, 2008, until May 5, 2008, causing numerous civilian and military casualties; as stated in a USA Today article,[10] a high percentage of the rocket and mortar fire originated in Sadr City. On April 6, 2008, two U.S. soldiers were killed and 17 more wounded when a rocket or mortar attack struck inside the Green Zone. On July 22, 2010, three Triple Canopy security guard contractors (two Ugandans and one Peruvian) were killed and 15 more wounded (including two U.S. nationals) when a rocket attack struck inside the International Zone.