Anonymous ID: 5bf204 Truth needed, no Bullshit Aug. 26, 2024, 12:52 p.m. No.21486019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They stay within the bloodlines because they can use their DNA as disguises. Just like the movie "the Matrix", they can become anyone, anytime, anywhere….it's just a lot easier with those they've already preconditioned to accept their form. So, they are among us, they are us. They are our in our Schools, and every form of Government that has a natural resource worth money and a population it can rule over.


They are the 'Harkonnen' from Dune but with shape-shifting capabilities. There's a way to strip them from their disguise, it has everything to do with frequency. Shit for real isn't it?


They've been trying to tell the world who actually runs Earth via the media. It is not Human. Imagine if humans wanted a new home and the home they wanted wasn't built yet, they could use the locals to build it for them and then wipe them out when finished. Imagine that's real.


We are food for another species, it's obvious by how they're fattening us up, right before slaughter. Perhaps we're sold by the pound or kilo to some galactic supermarket or Cosmic Costco.


Either way we are fucked if we don't identify them and eliminate them.


The Sleestaks need to go.

Anonymous ID: 5bf204 Aug. 26, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21486032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Full-blown panic.


They've lost their leader, they've lost their brains and talking points. Now they are all down to "bash trump".


Their cover is blown, even my wife knows this is real at this point. Seven years, it's all come true. Fuck them all. Let them all feel my pain.

Anonymous ID: 5bf204 Aug. 26, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.21486044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sadly the men enlisted are not the men of 50 years ago. The kids today think nothing is real and death is a myth. The first sign of blood and their white flags will go straight up.


Dude, I'm an American, very American, but I'm also honest with myself as the father of four.


China wins with technology. People like you and I would die within the first hour most likely. Their tech would find us.

Anonymous ID: 5bf204 Aug. 26, 2024, 1:03 p.m. No.21486058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Very very sadly, those who took many mrna shots are going to die. anyone who read the texas study on this mrna shot knows all animals died withing 18 months. The animals used were 1/20 the size of humans if not smaller. Multiply that with math to figure out the time humanity has left. It starts happening with the smallest humans, right up the ladder.

Anonymous ID: 5bf204 Aug. 26, 2024, 1:10 p.m. No.21486072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't wrry bout shit. My name is lucifer, actually I'm a really good guy, the assholes that invented christanity lied about me, cause i'd spoil their party. how can a dude named 'lightbringer' be bad in any story…am i right?


anyway, I'm on the case, y'all fucked up. I'm human and so did i. at least I've tried to unkarma my fuckups. anyway, I've seen how this works, so what i see, the world will see. it's really cool how this works, what i know, you'll know soon. it's kinda like I'm the main tower for a very large radio station and you're all receivers of my knowledge. Really, someone smarter explain it, I haven't a clue as a human how this works.


Anywhay, I'm here, things will get worse, people need to feel what they've done. It's really shitty of them, now they need some karma to wipe those grins off their faces.


Probably said, when I start sounding like me, I probably know it's me. It's me, still clueless, but getting there, slowly.