Anonymous ID: 995402 Aug. 26, 2024, 11:53 a.m. No.21485768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5786 >>5866 >>5919



>There is a lot o information at this website voting countrywide, keep it handy



>just makin sure people know whe weare dealing with. US Vote Foundation run by globalist glownigger clowns like Michael Steele



>>21485165 La Raza - Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro



>My guess is these faggots are harvesting data to assist in The Big Steal 2.0. Request Your Absentee Ballot with U.S. Vote Foundation


U.S. Census data suggest that 48% of nonvoters did not vote for reasons that could have been solved by absentee voting. US Vote gives these voters the ability to generate accurate and complete state-specific voter registration and state-specific absentee ballot request applications across all states with instructions and local election office addresses, in addition to providing comprehensive voter information tools.


Core foundation activities include:


Develop information tools and services that simplify the voter registration and absentee ballot request process

Content development andmanagement of state and local election data

Licensecustomized voter services applications and election datato states and voting organizations through API and hosted services

Provide support to voters through an ongoing communications program and personalized voter help desk

Research and surveys of U.S. citizens regarding the voting process


Overseas Vote is an initiative of US Vote.


US.VOTE is an initiative of US Vote.


US Vote is not connected with any US government or US military organization. U.S. Vote Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan public charity incorporated in Delaware. US Vote is supported through its licensing of civic data, provision of comprehensive voter services,state and federal research grants, private foundation grants and individual donations. Foundation grantors have included: The Pew Charitable Trusts, The Carnegie Corporation of New York, JEHT Foundation, The Democracy Fund, Blackrock, and the Knight Foundation.For further information on licensing or funding, please contact


To read more about US Vote's organization, it's vision/mission and programs, please see the US Vote Guidestar profile page.


Voting Questions and Assistance, please contact:

Anonymous ID: 995402 Aug. 26, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.21485786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5810 >>5866 >>5919


> Content development andmanagement of state and local election data


> Licensecustomized voter services applications and election datato states and voting organizations through API and hosted services

Imaging giving these pieces of shit API access to your voter data and having them host the data



U.S. Vote Foundation Hosted Systems Solution

Online Voter Registration Services Customized to Fit the Needs of your Website

Empty heading

Propel your Voter Outreach to New Levels with our State-of-the-Art Customizable Services


What is a Hosted Systems Solution and who can use it?


US Vote, together with our Overseas Vote initiative, provide a comprehensive service package that will enable you to meet the voting needs of your target audience. The customizable Hosted Systems Solution (HSS) will give you all the tools you need to offer a full suite of voter services to your voters. It's fast and easy. The HSS is a complete site - you choose which of the US Vote-developed tools and services will run under your banner, fully hosted and maintained by the US Vote organization for you.


Imagine that within a week you can solve all you voter registration, ballot request and voter information problems.All that is left is for you to post a banner or a link to your new personalized services and we will do the rest.


An HSS from US Vote can meet the needs of states, counties, nonprofits, corporations, PACs, campaigns, associations and any organization involved in voter outreach and participation. With the HSS you can now offer your own state-of-the-art, customized voter services with no extra effort.


What we provide:


Voter Registration Application - automated registration wizard that streamlines all state requirements into a customized state-specific flow with state-specific form output (not just the NVRA) for domestic, overseas and military voters


Absentee Ballot Application - automated absentee ballot request wizard that streamlines all state requirements into a customized state-specific flow with state-specific form output for domestic, overseas and military voters


Voter Account - the hub of the voter's life - the Voter Account allows voters to save their data for future use, easily manage their voter profile, reprint forms, identify contacts, reps and more [learn more about the Voter Account app here]


Vote-Print-Mail Federal Mail-in Absentee Ballot - provides automated FWAB completion, download and instructions for overseas and military voters


Election Official Directory - the most complete election office database available - for all voters


State-specific Voter Information Directory - election dates and deadlines, eligibility, requirements and all other pertinent voter information - includes domestic, overseas and military specific data


Voter Help Desk - Instant Response System knowledge base and help services to give voters the best FAQ and/or personalized answers


Mailing List Services - automatic mailing list development and sign-up facilities are incorporated into every system


Reporting Dashboard - interactive data management system designed to provide you with standard and customized reports.



What you will be able to customize:


Web Page Design - customized to match your website style


Voter Help Desk - tailored to your organization; with optional support ticket management


System Output - forms, letters of instruction and emails produced by the voter registration, absentee ballot and write-in ballot applications


Online Data Transfer - ask us about options for data transfer to your database or balloting system



What you will be able to provide your users:


A simple, user-friendly experience with all necessary information, forms and support right at the user’s finger tips.


All features can be integrated into your website style with no effort - we handle development, installation and maintenance.

Anonymous ID: 995402 Aug. 26, 2024, 12:01 p.m. No.21485810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5866 >>5919


>Imaging giving these pieces of shit API access to your voter data and having them host the data

gee what could go wrong


What are the organization's key strategies for making this happen?


Today, both Overseas Vote and US Vote help tens of millions of voters each election cycle. Here’s how:


  1. We give voters the information they need.

US Vote’s website is a free, accurate, easy-to-use resource that gives voters a simple way to find out:

• Where, when, and how they can register to vote

• When their state’s voter registration deadlines are

• What their state’s rules are for absentee and mail-in voting

• Where their polling place is, and when polls are open

• Who their election officials are, and how they can contact their local election office


2. We amplify our reach by making our tools available to other civic organizations.

Realizing the scale and seriousness of the problem, many other organizations are also dedicated to expanding equity and access to voting. We partner with these voter outreach organizations, state and county governments, and federal agencies, giving them access to our accurate, up-to-date software database of state- and local-level civic data.


Our licensees include many well-known organizations, including the Alliance for Securing Democracy, the Brennan Center for Justice, Hip Hop Caucus, the League of Women Voters, Rock the Vote,, VoteAmerica, the State of Ohio, and the United States Postal Service, among many others.


How we’re different

• We are the only organization that offers all voter services and information for domestic, military, and overseas voters, all in one place.

• US Vote was created by voters, for voters, and with the voter in mind.

• We offer a range of voter tools, election information, and FAQs.

• We run a Voter Help Desk, where people can get personalized answers to their questions.

• We continually update our database as information changes.

• We’re relentlessly focused on quality and are wholly committed to protecting our users’ security and privacy.

• We conduct post-election research.

• We are nonpartisan. We exist to serve voters, not to promote issues.

• We do not collect or share any data about individual voters.

• We provide more services to more voters per dollar donated than any other voter services organization.

Anonymous ID: 995402 Aug. 26, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.21485866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5879 >>5915 >>5919

Richard Vogt

Dick Vote





"the future of voting"


E2E-VIV Project

The Future of Voting:

End-to-End Verifiable Internet Voting - Specification and Feasibility Study


In this report, we examine the future of voting and the possibility of conducting secure elections online. Specifically, we explore whether End-to-End Verifiable Internet Voting (E2E-VIV) systems are a viable and responsible alternative to traditional election systems.


This report contains the most complete set of requirements to date that must be satisfied by any Internet voting system used in public elections. Developed by a team of experts in election integrity, election administration, high-assurance engineering, and cryptography, the report starts from the premise that public elections in the U.S. are a matter of national security.


Download Options


Executive Summary - High-level Introduction and Recommendations


Report for Non-technical Audiences

Introduction, Remote Voting, E2E-VIV Explained, Required Properties, Feasibility, Conclusion, Expert Statements


Complete Report

All Report Sections. Includes Technical Content


Expert Statements

Statements from Leaders in Election Integrity

Anonymous ID: 995402 Aug. 26, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.21485915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


U.S. Vote Foundation (“USVF”) is a voter education and outreach group that continuously builds a database of information on state voter registration rules. In 2020, more than three million Americans “were served” by U.S. Vote. 1


USVF advocates for numerous changes to election law to expand voter access, including automatic voter registration, automatic mailing of ballots to registered voters, enhanced ballot tracking, and extended voting deadlines for overseas Americans. However, the organization opposes online voting. 2 USVF has a “demonstrated leadership” role in the implementation of the Uniformed and Overseas Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) and the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act. 3


The group is primarily funded by licensing its database to left-of-center groups like the League of Women Voters. The organization has also received grants from left-of-center groups like the Democracy Fund and the Carnegie Corporation of New York.



In 2004, Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat founded Overseas Vote, a non-profit dedicated to educating and encouraging United States citizens living abroad to vote. According to U.S. Vote Foundation’s website, the Overseas Vote team found that the American voting system was so complex that domestic citizens needed just as much help as citizens abroad, so they restarted the organization as U.S. Vote in 2012. 4 Dzieduszycka-Suinat’s LinkedIn page currently lists Overseas Vote as an “initiative” of U.S. Vote, and it maintains a separate webpage. 5

Licensing Partners


U.S. Vote Foundation licenses its databases to other organizations to assist in voter registration. As of June 2022, its licensing partners include the Alliance for Securing Democracy, the Brennan Center for Justice, Hip Hop Caucus, the League of Women Voters, Rock the Vote,, VoteAmerica, the United States Postal Service, and the state of Ohio. 6

Opposition to Online Voting


U.S. Vote Foundation opposes changes to the American voting system that incorporate online voting. Josh Greenbaum, the chief technology officer of the U.S. Vote Foundation, wrote an article criticizing blockchain-based voting as being an “imminent threat to democracy” because it is supposedly vulnerable to widespread and difficult-to-detect fraud, particularly by malicious actors with strong cyberwarfare capabilities such as China and Russia. 7


USVF founder and president Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat co-wrote an article with former Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie (D), criticizing all forms of online voting as “a grave threat that needs to be contained before we hand the enemies of democracy another powerful tool with which to accomplish their goals.” 8

Anonymous ID: 995402 Aug. 26, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21485919   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>Richard Vogt


>Dick Vote



In 2019, the U.S. Vote Foundation reported $108,016 in revenue. About one-fifth of its revenue came from donations, while the rest came from licensing fees and other services. 9


U.S. Vote Foundation has received grants from the Democracy Fund, the Federal Voting Assistance Program, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the JEHT Foundation. 10



U.S. Vote Foundation founder and president Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat worked as a software marketing director for twenty years. Though initially based in Santa Cruz, California, Dzieduszycka-Suinat worked abroad in France and Germany for years. While in Germany, she led a team of American expatriates in forming Overseas Vote, the precursor to the U.S. Vote Foundation. 11 She is a member of the Election Verification Network. 12


Michael Steele, a pundit at MSNBC, is the U.S. Vote Foundation chairman. Steele is best known as the chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) from 2009-2011 until he lost reelection after a series of spending scandals. Previously, Steele served as lieutenant governor of Maryland for one term and unsuccessfully ran for U.S. Senate in 2006. 13


Board member Marcia Johnson-Blanco is co-director of the Lawyers’ Committee’s Voting Rights Project under the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. 14


Board member Kevin Kennedy served as director and general counsel for the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board for nearly a decade until its dissolution in 2016. He also previously served as chief election official of Wisconsin, is a member of the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) and the Election Center, and served as co-chair of the National Task Force on Election Reform. 15


Board member Clarissa Martinez-De-Castro is deputy vice president of UnidosUS, formerly known as the National Council of La Raza. 16


Board member Christopher Thomas worked for the Michigan department of state for forty years, including as director of elections since 1981. He previously worked for the U.S. Federal Election Commission. He is a founding member of NASED and served as its president in 1997 and 2013. He was chair of the board of advisors to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission from 2006 through 2008, and was appointed by President Barack Obama to the Presidential Commission on Election Administration from 2013 through 2014. 17