Anonymous ID: 10eb70 Aug. 27, 2024, 6:58 a.m. No.21489796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9827 >>9925 >>0247 >>0506

>>21300917 (pb)

We were told to look intoThe Asia Foundationon multiple occasions (including recently).

Is it possible that maybe this Clown Op is connected to nefarious activities?

It might be good to start looking into the people associated with the group, because there seem to be familiar names involved.

When I learn of a group that works in "philanthropy" in economically disadvantaged countries with lots of vulnerable little children, and then I see names of guys likeRichard Bransonwith airlines and islands, along with names of creepy people like former Secretary of StateMadeleine AlbrightandSenator Dianne Feinstein(the one who had theChinese spydriver, I get concerned.

A quick search of the archives of this group's website indicates that it's been associated with other familiar names, lads, such as:Hillary Clinton, people who worked forThe Clinton Foundation,Henry Kissinger, and others.

I want to know a few things:

  1. why are the American taxpayers fundingThe Asia Foundation? and

  2. what isThe Asia Foundationdoing overseas?

  3. what isThe Asia Foundationreally doing overseas?

  4. why are these people not being charged for violatingThe Logan Act (18 U.S.C. § 953)for creating 'a vibrant community of philanthropists championing The Asia Foundation’s work across 18 countries?

  5. how bad isThe Asia Foundation?

  6. why is Congress limiting the public funding ofThe Asia FoundationtoSEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARSin this current (118th) Congressional Session?

Anonymous ID: 10eb70 Aug. 27, 2024, 9:25 a.m. No.21490501   🗄️.is 🔗kun







>"Blessed are. . . .

Thank you.

I noticed the "MAKE KOREA GREAT AGAIN" banner on the stage over the weekend, when the clip of Don Jr. was posted here (i.e., when I saw it for the first time) but I was too busy with other things to flag it.

Thanks for pointing it out today.

Lots going on, guise.

Lots of info on its way, as part of our counterinsurgency, to wake up the sleeping members of the public.

Fight, fight, fight (peacefully and lawfully, of course).
