Anonymous ID: 8bc9f4 Aug. 27, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.21489928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21488706 Who here wants to hear about a weird coincidence with the Thomas Crooks family?PN


More questions: is his son Thomas really dead? The FBI took care of that pesky problem


• What happened to Yearlick?

• Who are his parents?

• Did they know the Crook family?

• Why would the FBI get rid of evidence before the investigations started?

• Has the FBI been so exposed at Trump hating, that no one believes them anymore?

• What is Strzocks involvement in this cascade of deceit?

• How can any Americans believe the template of Russiagate, when they failed at implicating him the first time? And they continue to reinforce the lie?

• Along with 1,000+ questions. Whistleblowers coming out of the woodwork, they've had enough along with the majority of the country.

• +, +, +!


The truth is coming out because the agencies were revealed to be political, and they think they run the country.


The Best is yet to Come!


And it's gonna be a humdinger, a truly spiritual war.


I'm sure there are multiple Q posts that reveal what needs to happen for the Awakening, the triggers for that, have been released.

Anonymous ID: 8bc9f4 Aug. 27, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.21489993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21488764 Meta CEO admits Biden-Harris admin pressured company to censor AmericansPN


Zuckerberg is a liar, he's still funding election rigging in many states.


He's trying to be not personally held responsible for interfering in the 2020 and 2022 elections.


Mark does not have one sincere bone in his body, because he is not to original Zuck. Regardless he was always a thief.


Blaming Bidan Admin is his way of pretending he's like the other Tech leaders, supporting Pres Trump. His statement that Pres Trump is a badass, was only mimicking the sincere. PS all other Tech leaders know he is lying that "FB was forced to support the Bidan lies. He's still on board with Kamala.


I could write for hours how this man and his org should never be trusted to support free speech. He's trying to save his company so they can interfere in more election.


He the fake Zuck, is not even human IMO.


I hope Jim Jordan alert to how much he is trying to divert from his alignment with the radical dems. His wife is a Chinese CCP agent, that is much richer than him. If you were CCP controlled, wouldn't you pretend like he is?