The media is sick.
They talk shit about people without facts and they make up stories and then they say the public can’t get enough of it.
The media is sick.
They talk shit about people without facts and they make up stories and then they say the public can’t get enough of it.
Because of the sick media.
Wanting to have information isn’t the same as being given News.
Watch Trump the Dream on Netflix. Then KYS.
It’s Pro Trump or Pro Politician.
When Twitter started. Everyone told DJT to run for president because he wasn’t a politician
Kek. The two photos don’t make sense together. Totally different line.
Trump is a master at this game. Public perception vs lies. It’s just comfy.
Timing is everything
Using a German word God for a Jewish religion. Kek
Because it is proverbial.
They are sayings. Ancient dark sayings.
The words don’t mean what they say. It’s done that way so only the seeker finds it.