You're turning a pissing contest into a bigger, as yet, unprovable issue.
What? Looks like another lawyer to me.
Chanukah is 8 days I believe.
Bullshit. She was engaged with guts on her left while she directed him forward and to the right.
Its her house. Her control.
The explanation is that Phillip is dying.
Sorry. My speculation, but I'm pretty sure I have seen her do that inspection walk with others.
I think what Europe needs is an influx of freedom loving christians.
Idk. Not even convinced he is cabal. But could be.
Only Trump know the depth of his love for God.
My guess is that they are in a vault somewhere and will be discovered in about 50-100 years.
Your psychotic hatred oozes from every pore in your useless body. Gross.
That was a week or so ago, correct?