This is why EVERY Anon
Needs to learn the Socratic method
It helps to take away the fear
Of talking to your neighbors
Because in the Socratic method
You only ask questions
You never tell them anything
They tell you
So if you start a conversation
And the person is strongly liberal
Ask questions
If they say, are you a Trump supporter
Say NO!
And then say, BUT there is this one thing that bothers me
Get some DVDs of the Colombo detective series
If you need help learning this technique
Some of the people you meet will be Trump supporters.
Join with them
Some will be liberals
Ask them questions
Suggest to them that they LOOK INTO THAT ISSUE
If they don't have all the facts at hand
Tell them you will be back to that coffeeshop next week, same time, same place
Then meet them
And see if they have red pilled themselves a bit
Never preach!
Never inform
Only ask, and confide in them your uncertainties over certain discrepancies that you see.
Never admit to who you will vote for.
Tell them that you generally don't trust politicians and don't vote
They might stick to you like glue if they learn that.
But be a STUBBORN convert and ask lots of questions.
Why are there all these discrepancies in the liberal message