>>21493749 pb
the truth about the Who?
the band?
what truth did we tell?
pete townsend's an asshoe?
so incredibly obvious, even a female can understand it
not to mention the incredible utilitarian barriers
you could not find one business within 75 miles of my home that accepts crypto as payment
have to go to a major city to find businesses run by brainwashed libtards
it took a special kind of fuckwit to ever believe in crypto
well, the whole point of the civil war was to divide the US so that england and france (rothschild puppets) could then invade and recaputure their colonies
thank heavens the Tsar intervened and placed naval blockades on both coasts
if i watch any TV at all, it's westerns from the 50s and early 60s
the themes of common decency and moral uprightness are timeless
and yes…. busybodies were disdained by everyone
>I even mail silver coins to Amazon to make purchases!
you send hard currency to jeff bezos?
may a flock of flying pigs roost above your car's windshield
>To bad those are completely fantasy, made up, it wasn't at all like that.
were you there? the old west OR the 60s?
methinks you're confusing classic old tv westerns with more modern ones
there was very little or no shooting at all in most episodes
and if there was, the focus was on the consequences for the survivors, not just the dead
was worse than that…
there was all the ballyhoo about how the value of crypto would be stable, bcs muh blockchain…
but when the price started to fluctuate wildly, no one seemed to notice this contradicted their initial arguments
meanwhile, an ounce of silver buys more or less the same amount of oil that it did 120 yrs ago
lots of dynamics going on concurrently…
slave could not vote, so northern states held disparate control of congress
all of the jew owned textile mills were in the northern states
congress passed laws making it illegal for plantation owners to sell raw cotton directly to england,
and then laws forbidding the construction of textile mills in the south
kinda pushed everyone into a corner to make them rebel
>investment is about holding value, not get rich quick
the ONLY way to CREATE wealth is to personally perform value-added labor
ergo, "get rich quick" is a logical impossibility in a fair and just economy
sweat equity
EVERY other way of acquiring money is thievery, disguised
>another way to 'create wealth' is to find valuble things such as gold nuggets.
that's another form of sweat equity
the value of gold isn't just the time it took for one luck fool to find a nugget
it's also the time invested by the thousands of unlucky fools who never found anything
>the flesh pot of Hollywood is your inspiration?
yer talkin' outta yer ass
yes, there were always jews associated with the entertainment industry
but take the time to read the credits, you cretin
the farther back in time you go
the fewer jewish names you'll see involved, especially writers
it was neo-nazis that deleted these posts