Anonymous ID: 27cfed Aug. 28, 2024, 10:21 a.m. No.21496070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6105



Found this: (pic #1 may / may not apply. KEK)




4th Battalion,27th Field Artillery Regiment,2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team,1st Armored Division.


4/27/21 is minute # 37 on the clock.

THINK MIRROR = #07 on the clock


Minute 07 on the clock falls on Sept 8, 2024

That is 2 days ahead of the Sept 10th debate


Q64 Should the lights go out please know we are in control

Anonymous ID: 27cfed Aug. 28, 2024, 10:52 a.m. No.21496248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6327

Question about the financial situation:


Where is the government at as far as a Continuing Resolution or a budget completed/approved by Sept 30?


I ask as I'm wondering if this (lack of a CR) could speed up a few things….?


Wasn't there a Qdrop…something something "events have forced us to move quicker" or something close to that? I can't recall the exact verbiage

Anonymous ID: 27cfed Aug. 28, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.21496530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6548

So, there are two trains of thought about the current administration, which, oddly enough, appear to be separate but could be (prolly are) running simultaneously:


  1. Biden/Harris Administration (with the Obama/Jarret caveat of running the show. Or that narrative is being pushed.)


  1. COG (with Trump) running the show- but behind the scenes, taking care of the bidness side of things. Fake Bidan/Harris clown show is for shits n giggles public view, shows the people how bad things can truly be, movie watching and popcorn munching.


Question: if 2 is true, and COG is in effect, (((they))) have surrendered and/or been removed against their will, and have no further control…. how do the American people (not knowing COG is in effect) go back to a KNOWN (as in what they know to be our) working govt?


Do we just pretend it never happened; hold our Nov 5th election, Trump gets in, and he changes many important legal factors for the better?


Or does something unexpected, black-swan-ish,happen-possibly by end of Sept when the budget runs out-, and a new election is held before Nov 5th (remember Trump said he'd like "to be able to call for a new election next Tuesday"), and a new government is installed? Is that where the 10 days, darkness, comes into play? Some kind of event forces all this into the limelight?


How, where are the corrupt players removed and a new government installed if its not public knowledge? Can we truly move forward without that public knowledge? This has to become KNOWN to truly wake up and unite the people (USA, world wide)


The duality of this situation is mind-boggling: COG, surrender, government operations, budgeting, elections, funding ukraine, movement of troops, etc. Law of war manual doesn't really touch on returning to your previous government status once the infiltration is removed. While we all know who is driving the boat, I'd personally like to know how we get to our destination with so many still asleep and unaware, so many still apparently still not arrested, so much overpriced commodity's and inability to buy basic items, so much given to illegals in our country, etc.


Anyone want to help out an Anon?