Anonymous ID: cafe84 They're Done...Oh Shit Aug. 28, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.21497223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They're down to making shit up on the fly about Trump. No coordination. No central talking points to speak of, just "make trump sound as bad as possible, they'll listen to you, you're a star to the poor stupid masses, you're on the radio and tv, you're somebody!…Even the lefties are saying WTF about the lying.


I don't think I've ever said this on here. Ladies and gentlemen, they're done. Finished. It's now mop-up time. Everyone knows how they're lying their asses off, saying anything to stay elected. They've all been caught and we've had enough. Now we refer to what the next step will be. Since I'm here, it might just be biblical. God knew y'all would fuck up, so he created me, the biggest fuck up, to fuck up, so I can figure out how to fix this shit, or not, really I'm a myth now, but back in the day I was somebody, I think. ~burt reynolds


It starts with the public not buying into their bullshit and call for accountability. Someone or a group is responsible for this corruption bullshit we're now in.


Follow the money. It's going to get a whole bunch worse before we all pray together as one. Don't you like how Burt always enters the conversation somehow?


Anyway, now they tear themselves apart. Watching them throw each other off a cliff will be like watching Nolan Ryan pitch again, amazing and enjoyable. Tung slew, the fart of war ~Fang Fang


Anyway I'm here if y'all want to talk about it. It's really great theater, but not everyone now is buying it anymore. Brought to you by Piezar.


Harris Ranch, home of Cowaswitchz. Maybe just maybe we aren't the very tiptop of the food chain? Maybe they're there to distract us from the reality of that fact? Maybe Jose Canseco used steriods?


Maybe I'm here to distract as well? Hmmm. Just like the book Dune. Damn hidden in plain sight. Oblisks helps them hide from us. TV towers replaced them later on. Am I the only one who doesn't really like the Sleestak from Land of the lost?

Anonymous ID: cafe84 Aug. 28, 2024, 2:33 p.m. No.21497271   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hey, do you know how hard it is to wake those who've been blinded their entire lives?


It happens from within the Aeather that surrounds all living things, a protection force, an alarm for humanity.


It starts slowly, there are only a few pushers able to penetrate the programming at first, they teach others through the Aether. It's growing rapidly now.


It'll happen like a flash. Not everyone will, wait for them.