fixed it
posted it last bread but didn't realize that it had that bluish streak on the bottom when I took the screen shot.
fixed it
posted it last bread but didn't realize that it had that bluish streak on the bottom when I took the screen shot.
18 Million real votes for Biden
plus 19 million new illegal alien votes
still only gives them 37 million votes.
They still have to cheat their asses off to beat Trump.
His followers are probably mostly bots and paid shills. The rest are brainwashed Libtards.
The RINOs are outing themselves.
>John McCain, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, and George H.W. Bush
I voted for every one of these fucking RINOs.
How embarrassing.
I thought they were the lesser of two evils.
Just to find out that they are just the flip side of the same Evil COIN.
This is how they were going to justify executing 100 million Patriots in FEMA camps.
They also have FFs to make it seem as if children have died in school shootings.