Anonymous ID: 3b5bc5 Aug. 28, 2024, 7:34 p.m. No.21498905   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8924

A narcissist might create a copycat mimic of a well-known figure like Catturd on a platform like Q Research for several reasons:


Attention and Validation: Narcissists often seek attention and validation. By mimicking a popular figure, they may hope to draw attention to themselves or their own content. Even if the mimicry is not direct or explicit, the association with a well-known name can boost their perceived status.


Control and Influence: By creating a persona similar to Catturd, the narcissist might aim to subtly influence discussions or control the narrative on the board. They may want to shape opinions or guide conversations without overtly engaging or revealing their true intentions.


Self-Promotion: Narcissists often focus on self-promotion. By creating a persona that mirrors an existing popular figure, they can indirectly promote their own ideas or viewpoints while avoiding direct confrontation or criticism.


Anonymity: Using an anonymous platform allows them to operate without the risk of personal backlash. They can maintain their ego-driven activities without exposing their real identity.


In essence, the narcissist's goal is likely to maximize their personal gain—whether it's attention, influence, or validation—while navigating the platform’s anonymity to their advantage.