Anonymous ID: d8e913 Aug. 28, 2024, 6:41 p.m. No.21498615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not Try It Again Edition

Why Germany Lost the Battle of Kursk 1943 (WW2 Documentary)manymemes


Ecc_3:8 A timeH6256 to love,H157 and a timeH6256 to hate;H8130 a timeH6256 of war,H4421 and a timeH6256 of peace.H7965

Isa_9:6 ForH3588 unto us a childH3206 is born,H3205 unto us a sonH1121 is given:H5414 and the governmentH4951 shall be uponH5921 his shoulder:H7926 and his nameH8034 shall beH1961 calledH7121 Wonderful,H6382 Counsellor,H3289 The mightyH1368 God,H410 The everlastingH5703 Father,H1 The PrinceH8269 of Peace.H7965

Isa_9:7 Of the increaseH4766 of his governmentH4951 and peaceH7965 there shall be noH369 end,H7093 uponH5921 the throneH3678 of David,H1732 and uponH5921 his kingdom,H4467 to orderH3559 it, and to establishH5582 it with judgmentH4941 and with justiceH6666 from henceforthH4480 H6258 even for ever.H5704 H5769 The zealH7068 of the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 will performH6213 this.H2063

Isa_26:3 Thou wilt keepH5341 him in perfect peace,H7965 H7965 whose mindH3336 is stayedH5564 on thee: becauseH3588 he trustethH982 in thee.

Isa_26:12 LORD,H3068 thou wilt ordainH8239 peaceH7965 for us: forH3588 thou alsoH1571 hast wroughtH6466 allH3605 our worksH4639 in us.

Isa_27:5 OrH176 let him take holdH2388 of my strength,H4581 that he may makeH6213 peaceH7965 with me; and he shall makeH6213 peaceH7965 with me.

Isa_32:17 And the workH4639 of righteousnessH6666 shall beH1961 peace;H7965 and the effectH5656 of righteousnessH6666 quietnessH8252 and assuranceH983 for ever.H5704 H5769


Anonymous ID: d8e913 Aug. 28, 2024, 7:08 p.m. No.21498749   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Robert F. Kennedy - America's Lost President | Free Documentary History


Isa_33:7 Behold,H2005 their valiant onesH691 shall cryH6817 without:H2351 the ambassadorsH4397 of peaceH7965 shall weepH1058 bitterly.H4751

Isa_36:21 But they held their peace,H2790 and answeredH6030 him notH3808 a word:H1697 forH3588 the king'sH4428 commandmentH4687 was, saying,H559 AnswerH6030 him not.H3808

Isa_38:17 Behold,H2009 for peaceH7965 I had great bitterness:H4751 H4843 but thouH859 hast in loveH2836 to my soulH5315 delivered it from the pitH4480 H7845 of corruption:H1097 forH3588 thou hast castH7993 allH3605 my sinsH2399 behindH310 thy back.H1460

Isa_39:8 Then saidH559 HezekiahH2396 toH413 Isaiah,H3470 GoodH2896 is the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 whichH834 thou hast spoken.H1696 He saidH559 moreover, ForH3588 there shall beH1961 peaceH7965 and truthH571 in my days.H3117

Isa_42:14 I have long timeH4480 H5769 holden my peace;H2814 I have been still,H2790 and refrained myself:H662 now will I cryH6463 like a travailing woman;H3205 I will destroyH5395 and devourH7602 at once.H3162

Isa_45:7 I formH3335 the light,H216 and createH1254 darkness:H2822 I makeH6213 peace,H7965 and createH1254 evil:H7451 IH589 the LORDH3068 doH6213 allH3605 theseH428 things.
