Anonymous ID: be8657 Aug. 29, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.21500996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1004 >>1005

For those anons who consider the Law of War Manual in effect and Occupation occurring, re reading the Transaction Act is imperative to understand where we are and what happens next. Anons will remember Congress changed VP role in electoral count ,They changed more than that! They changed the Transition Act Enacted Dec 29 2022. They are stuck with their own changes and they didn't plan for Joe to run again or run and then drop out.


The reason we see things that don'texactlyfit with Occupation is because it is not exactly that situation.


Biden was CiC because Miley treated him as such making it true. CQ Brown doesn't and does not meet with him. Takes orders from Austin because Austin is legit.

Question:Why is Austin legit and Biden not?

Answer:Because Chris Miller conceded the office and Austin was Senate confirmed. This applies to all cabinet and VP but not Biden because DJT didn't concede.

This makes our Country still in transition with 2 Presidents claiming victory.

I'm on page and haven't finished reading it all but so many things happening right now fall into place and make perfect sense.

This is why the threats from MI Sec of State and Garland are coming out about contesting or refusing to certify next election.


this is why people are being told not to resign if DJT wins election.


This is why Biden hasn't met with his cabinet since OCT 2023. Miley's term ended and CQ Brown took over.

If Biden wants use of WH residence, he has to pay out of pocket and get reimbursed. Kamala stole his FEC account that had nearly 300 mil in it.


This is a tiny bit of what is contained in the 18 pages. Note the way to solve the problem of refusing to concede is to "Treat" someone as if they are President and Poof! Magic they become President.Nancy must have made this new rule