Anonymous ID: fe27c1 Aug. 29, 2024, 6:42 a.m. No.21500714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Durov Dig: France v Russia


Russia has been treating to nuke France every weeek since months

France is the world's second largest arm exporter as well

Everyone buys French equipment to be fair, including Russian allies

Thales has contracts with pretty much all of NATO

Thales also provide systems to the US army

Russian ally example then the entire of the Turkish navy rely on Thales system


kind of leaders as well when it comes to radars and encryption devices. They're the ones providing secure phones to presidents (in FR at least) and few other EU countries IIRC

They also provided "secure phones" to different African presidents

they called their phones Teorem


Unaware Russia and France was an issue. found some intel to support the issue

the first public appearance of this was likely when Russia hacked one of the largest French TV channel and made it go all black

the worst has been when Macron suggested sending French army to Ukraine

was also very bad when Macron himself leaked his phone conversations with Putin following the invasion

Durov is a French citizen, authorities were in their absolutely right to arrest him (he was in France anyway, so…)

A lot of CP stuff on Telegram among other

also He's investigated in Switzerland for beating his 7 years old child