35 trillion in debt to who?
35 trillion “what”?
> Do not think this ends well
Why wouldn’t it end well.
Redo money and get rid of currency.
Simple solutions to modern problems…
Stop being a stupid debt slave.
Usury should be illegal in a nation founded on Christian principles.
The Federal Reserve isn’t even allowed in our constitution (The Law).
It (control by private bankers) is a shenanigans causing mischief far too long.
Don’t comply.
Emhoff should hide in the shadows. MSM is failed through CIA subversion.
Do it go up to 11 tho?
Gold destroys the Fed.
Only if you choose to play their game.
Cryptocurrency is a failed idea as demonstrated in recent Israel-Palestine news.
Land ownership is determined by army size and preparedness/training of forces.
It is not the moon and not what it claims to be.
In the end it does “slither away” in defeat.
Sometimes it takes the fortitude of “elected” representatives to stand up in homage to Marbury-Madison.
That said, courage or it’s appearance is rare.
God will provide as deemed appropriate by same.
Who dyes their eyebrow?
It’s rare to see anyone with 5 or more Covid jabs. Even among immunocompromised patients on chemotherapy.