Anonymous ID: beeb04 Aug. 29, 2024, 10:55 a.m. No.21502151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2159

9 Aug, 2024 14:00

Kiev had Western intel to plan Russia incursion – US spy chief

Ukraine has access to a trove of commercial satellite images, according to the head of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency


Kiev had access to a wide array of commercial satellite imagesfor planning and executing its invasion of Russia’s Kursk Region, asenior US intelligence official has acknowledged. However, Washington continues to deny it had advance knowledge of the incursion.


Vice Admiral Frank Whitworth, the director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), commented on Thursday regarding a report last week by The New York Times that said theUS and Britain “have provided Ukraine with satellite imagery and other information” on Kursk Region. Kiev sent thousands of heavily-armed troops into the area earlier this month.


The Times report said that the intelligence was meant “not to help Ukraine push deeper into Russia, but to allow its commanders to better track Russian reinforcements that might attack them or cut off their eventual withdrawal back to Ukraine” and was delivered after the start of the incursion.


Whitworth suggested that Times sources were referring to commercial satellite imagery, which theUS has been giving Ukraine access to for years via Global Enhanced GEOINT Delivery (G-EGD), a portal operated by the space firm Maxar.


”There were over 400,000 accounts in that particular portal. And so the availability of commercial imagery is sustained,” he said at a panel discussion hosted by the Intelligence and National Security Alliance.


”If that is what they are using for purposes of this particular campaign, this limitedcampaign in Kursk, then I’ll defer to them to confirm that. But the availability is always there,”he added.


CIA Deputy Director David Cohen, who participated in the same event, said that based on conversations that his agency has with theUkrainians“there seems to be intent on retaining some of that [captured Russian] territory for some period of time.” (CIA is really advising Ukraine to continue, there’s no way leaders there came up with that on their own, after all it’s a CIA war against Russia and it will never be about Ukraine.)


Much of the panel’s discussion was about how theUS government uses commercial solutionsto bolster itsespionage and military capabilitiesand intends to make more use of them in the future. (Theory: There is going to be space wars with Satellites being blown up, since they admitted they will continue to use these satellites to attack what the US considers their enemy, this is not going to end well, if it ever ends)


Moscow considers the Ukraine conflict to be a US-led proxy war against Russia, in which its neighbor serves as a de facto private military company fighting for Washington’s interests. The level of engagement by the US and other members of NATO make them parties to the conflict according to Russian officials.


(This doesn't bode well for world peace at all, it's a serious escalation)

Anonymous ID: beeb04 Aug. 29, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.21502444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

29 Aug, 2024 13:30

==Ukrainian FM (whining, crying manbaby) blames West for frontline failures

Dmitry Kuleba has cited Kiev backers’ reluctance to provide long-range weaponry and allow strikes deep inside Russia


The blame for any military setbacks suffered by Kiev lies squarely with Ukraine’s Western donors, the country’s foreign minister,Dmitry Kuleba, has asserted. The diplomat urgedWestern nationsto provide his country with more missiles and tolift any restrictions on long-range strikes inside Russian territory.


His call echoed one made on Monday by Ukraine’s leader Vladimir Zelensky, who insisted that “there should be no restrictions on the range of weapons for Ukraine.”


Pentagon spokesmanMajor-General Patrick Ryder, however, made it clear the following day that “our policy has not changed,” meaning thatKiev is not allowedto deploy US-supplied weaponsto conduct “deep strikes” on Russian soil.


Speaking in Brussels, where EU foreign ministers were gathered for a meeting on Thursday, Kuleba said that “the success of Russia depends on one thing: on the preparedness of partners to make bold decisions.” “If decisions are taken, Ukraine is successful on the ground. If they are not taken, then do not complain about Ukraine, complain about yourself,” the Ukrainian minister argued.


According to Kuleba,Kiev merely wantsthe West’spermission to strike “legitimate military targets” inside Russia, adding that more long-range rockets would also be needed for that. (They are killing Russian citizens, not military targets, so they are lying again)


Kuleba also called on “all countries who pledged to deliver Patriot systems months ago to finally deliver them.” He pointed out that the delays are proving to be costly for Ukraine.


During his visit to neighboring Poland on Wednesday, Kuleba stated that “since the very start of the Russian invasion, thebiggest problem that Ukrainehas had to face has been thatfear of escalation of the conflict has dominated in our allies’ decision-making” with respect to defense aid.


“Don’t fear Russia’s reaction, we don’t fear it… Help us. Give us what we need,” the minister implored, adding that unrestricted Western support would help Ukraine prevail on the battlefield.


Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister SergeyLavrov, in turn, claimed thatall Western talk about restrictions for Kievand its professedwish to “avoid excessive escalation” is nothing but a “ruse.”


“The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is asking for trouble, to put it bluntly,” the Russian diplomat said.


Lavrov warned theUS, the UK and Kiev’s other backers against authorizing strikes deep inside Russia, emphasizing that such a decision would betantamount to “playing with fire.”


(FUCK UKRAINE, the disrespect, ingratitude, and arrogance of the fools running Ukraine, is typical. If Trump and the current Congress and Senate see this, they must cut off aid accordingly, because Ukraine willNEVERwin, they are money launderings and all the equipment disappears as soon as it’s delivered.)

Anonymous ID: beeb04 Aug. 29, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.21502536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

29 Aug, 2024 08:26

Moscow has identified thousands of Ukraine’s mercenaries – Russian diplomat

Those foreign nationals will be held accountable for the crimes they have committed, Rodion Miroshnik has said


Moscow has the names of thousands of foreign nationals employed to fight for Ukraine, a senior Russian diplomat has said.


Russian troops have been tasked with “meticulously gathering information” about such people, Rodion Miroshnik, who is leading a special mission to investigate alleged Ukrainian war crimes, told RIA Novosti on Thursday.


”As of today,over 4,000 mercenaries have been positively identified, with all necessary data collected. In some cases pre-trial investigations have been completed,” he said.


Kiev claims that foreign nationals fighting for its cause are volunteers who joined the Ukrainian ranks for ideological reasons. Moscow sees them as hired guns and has accused Western nations of facilitating Ukraine’s recruitment of their military veterans.


Miroshnik insisted that surviving mercenaries who flee Ukraine to other nations would still be held accountable for committing atrocities while being on Kiev’s payroll.


”I believe the information about their crimes will be available in many nations, and people there will realize what kind of people Ukraine is using now,” he said.Many of the mercenaries are violent psychopaths, who went to Ukraine so that they could kill, bully civilians and plunder with impunity, the diplomat claimed.


Earlier this month, a 27-year-old man who fought for Kiev was convicted in the Czech Republic. Filip Siman was sentenced to seven years in prison for looting in towns near Kiev, after a court in Prague dismissed his claims that he was just following orders.


In March, the Russian Defense Ministry published a list of countries from which mercenaries had been coming to fight for Kiev. The statistics claimed that the total number of such fighters, whom the Russian military considerslegitimate targets, was over 13,300. Of those, roughly 6,000 have been killed, the ministry said. It named Poland, Georgia, and the US as the top-three suppliers of mercenaries.


Earlier this month, the Russian Foreign Ministry condemned the presence of theUS private military company, Forward Observation Group, on Russian soil. The firm previously posted a photo of its employees in military gear, claiming that it was taken in Kursk Region amid the Ukrainian incursion there.

Anonymous ID: beeb04 Aug. 29, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21502980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3001

I don't even know where this website is, KEKIt's blocked by the browser.