you have my Bless B
I feel like we skipped Giant Flying Venomous Spiders
a. Control
b. Time Travel
c. Looking Glass
d. Reverse Time Comms
17,000,000 Vaxx Deaths
25,000 Gaza Deaths
I don't think I'll ever understand why the smaller "Genocide" is more important than the Greater Genocide
UN - NWO Police
WEF- NWO Policy
WHO - NWO Medical
NATO - NWO Military
They all Rely on the Power of the USA
Globohomo's are Terrified that Trump will Pull USA out
Effectively Castrating the New World Order's Globohomo Plan for one world Utopia under their control
One Chance
One Opportunity, for those who Became Monsters to Redeem themselvesโฆ Or step closer into Darkness
Choose God, Awaken & be Free
Choose NWO Anti-Christs & be Generational Slaves
shilling for communism
That might have worked 10 years ago
But in this Era of Awakened Soulsโฆ kek! Good Luck
On God's Path
WHO, UN, NATO & WEF Fear Free Speech
If it can be destroyed by the Truth
It should be destroyed by the Truth
NWO Vs. Meme makers
The NWO doesn't stand a Chance