I asked for nothing so can't be mad for nothing
I just want mine
Do nothing star trek wannabe
Nothing. Oh, plenty more from where that came
Platitudes don't pay rent
: an act or instance of rending
I d I didn't f ucking ax uh ou
Where are they now? VH1 especial!
Drilling is boring
Witches ain't shit
Muh promises?
Me: who the fuck are you?
Who is Q?
Serves me a drink I didn't order and wants something
Asks for something and makes you wait to give it
Makes you wait for something you didn't even request
The fuck you want? Fuck air force medical anything, puece of shit
Sick of your bullshit
Make your problems mine then make me work to solve them
You're stupid
0m6 sick of your bullshit
Wtf do you want?
Asking you for a whole lot I f NOTHING! why am I here?
Only one here asking for stuff is you and richie
Suffering. Check
Now, wtf do you want?
So, you rang? Now what, with all your racket?
Waiting forโฆ.? Can't hear you through this seering pain
Fuck VA
World? So? What do you want me to give you for me to do the work, AGAIN? afaf
Let me get this right, you want me to wait to do something for you? Go on?
BTW, sick of your constant begging
Lesson learned. Wanna be top dog, be unrelentingly uncompromising
Single minded with no distractions
Keep pressing til you get what you are after
Don't accept their feet dragging for something they themselves offered
What was it you wanted, again? afaf
Your name is karate
How's the Roman Vatican Malta supreme court doing? afaf
Nobody wants your unamerican popery
More nothing? I got plenty already, thanks.
I've got nothing but time
Jesuit teaching the illiterate with pictures. Fuck rome
What's the hold up boys?
Pain is one hellofa motivator! What's the hold up? WHOOHOOOOO! ROCKNROLL!!!!!
More unbiblical picture book
You said wait here. I did. Did you forget. Or something,? Afaf
They say don't leave the car in case they search for you but I'm out of ketchup packets
Sick of your stupid fucking jargon. I don't want to talk stupid like you
How to strategically tell someone fuck you
Keep the partyโฆ
Q, where do babies come from?
Where do babies go, Q?
Fucking sick of you
Hot piss coming through
You got ivf. Where's my money? afaf
Ask? Fuck no
One who derives pleasure through cruelty or pain to others.
Someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or others.
United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay
Sauce it.. I don't bag my own groceries