Anonymous ID: 79704d Aug. 29, 2024, 8:22 p.m. No.21505474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5482 >>5567

>>21505333 pb




Whom shall I say sent me?

I Am (Consciousness)

Leads God’s Children out of slavery (God’s children= alignment with God via Faith/Abraham..but before Abraham, I Am)

Parts the Red Sea (water is also symbol for consciousness or mind)

There is a wall of water on each side and a clear path in between.

One side is fear and the other is Faith

Faith brings clarity and a clear path to freedom always appears.

Enemy not aligned with God gets swallowed up by the Sea (swallowed up by sea/confusion).

Faith or fear. Truth or lies. Wandered in circles thru the wilderness (confusion via doubt/fear)

Took em 40 years to decide to have faith without doubt interwoven into it.

Finally via Faith they enter the Promised Land (answered prayer) but u can’t enter if there is any doubt.