Anonymous ID: 2b3aff Aug. 30, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.21507359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7402 >>7425

DJT is doing a speech in PA then going to DC to meet with a group of women today. I have a hunch DJT has a double purpose in DC today.

Yesterday I posted about the Presidential Transition Act that was amended Dec 29 2022. Here is the link again for anons to read 18 pages.

We have all noticed something "off" with Biden as President and thought it was Occupation.


As you read on page 5, the premise is opposing candidates conceded ( DJT has never conceded 2020 elections) Page 6 describes a period of Multiple successful candidates.

This indicates DJT put us in a perpetual state of transition. The Presidency was never resolved. Dec 29 2022 says if 1 candidate is "treated" as the successful candidate then GSA is required to announce it to the public and give legal basis and reasoning. That letter never came but it might be coming in days.


Biden has been replaced as 2024 candidate and that was official in the virtual DNC vote.

Kamala doesn't meet the qualifications seen on page 5 to replace Biden as 2020-2022/2024 candidate yet she added her name to his ID for 2020-2022 and erased him off 202-2024


The U-Haul we saw Monday of the convention was removing Biden's office as he is no longer president elect of 2020. Kamala put her name on his paperwork for that slot.

That move was not just about stealing his money, she stole his claim to presidency.


Joe concedes( she conceded him) leaves DJT last man standing as it relates to page 5 of the Presidential Transition Act. The only question left remaining is if she can legit swap him out of 2020-2022 as she did and then does she meet the qualification on page 5? She never received a voteas Presidentin 2020 so she doesn't meet the qualifications on that alone. She was not a presidential candidate in 2020 at the time of general elections. she dropped out before the primaries started.


I suspect DJT trip to DC will include hammering out this problem. Hope planefgas have eyes on for how long he is on the ground there vs the meeting with the women

Anonymous ID: 2b3aff Aug. 30, 2024, 8:30 a.m. No.21507431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7442


here is a link about the UHAUL that includes video


here is link for DC meeting today