Anonymous ID: 5c678d Aug. 30, 2024, 5:03 a.m. No.21506657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TGIF Countdown

  1. rep vs dem

  2. good vs evil

  3. freedom ve communism comming


Jer_8:15 We lookedH6960 for peace,H7965 but noH369 goodH2896 came; and for a timeH6256 of health,H4832 and beholdH2009 trouble!H1205

Jer_12:5 IfH3588 thou hast runH7323 withH854 the footmen,H7273 and they have weariedH3811 thee, then howH349 canst thou contendH8474 withH854 horses?H5483 and if in the landH776 of peace,H7965 wherein thouH859 trustedst,H982 they wearied thee, then howH349 wilt thou doH6213 in the swellingH1347 of Jordan?H3383

Jer_12:12 The spoilersH7703 are comeH935 uponH5921 allH3605 high placesH8205 through the wilderness:H4057 forH3588 the swordH2719 of the LORDH3068 shall devourH398 from the one endH4480 H7097 of the landH776 even toH5704 the other endH7097 of the land:H776 noH369 H3605 fleshH1320 shall have peace.H7965

Jer_14:13 Then saidH559 I, Ah,H162 LordH136 GOD!H3069 behold,H2009 the prophetsH5030 sayH559 unto them, Ye shall notH3808 seeH7200 the sword,H2719 neitherH3808 shall ye haveH1961 famine;H7458 butH3588 I will giveH5414 you assuredH571 peaceH7965 in thisH2088 place.H4725

Jer_14:19 Hast thou utterly rejectedH3988 H3988 (H853) Judah?H3063 hath thy soulH5315 lothedH1602 Zion?H6726 whyH4069 hast thou smittenH5221 us, and there is noH369 healingH4832 for us? we lookedH6960 for peace,H7965 and there is noH369 good;H2896 and for the timeH6256 of healing,H4832 and beholdH2009 trouble!H1205

Jer_16:5 ForH3588 thusH3541 saithH559 the LORD,H3068 EnterH935 notH408 into the houseH1004 of mourning,H4798 neitherH408 goH1980 to lamentH5594 norH408 bemoanH5110 them: forH3588 I have taken awayH622 (H853) my peaceH7965 fromH4480 H854 thisH2088 people,H5971 saithH5002 the LORD,H3068 even(H853) lovingkindnessH2617 and mercies.H7356


Anonymous ID: 5c678d Aug. 30, 2024, 7:23 a.m. No.21507173   🗄️.is 🔗kun


u guise r the best

Jer_16:5 ForH3588 thusH3541 saithH559 the LORD,H3068 EnterH935 notH408 into the houseH1004 of mourning,H4798 neitherH408 goH1980 to lamentH5594 norH408 bemoanH5110 them: forH3588 I have taken awayH622 (H853) my peaceH7965 fromH4480 H854 thisH2088 people,H5971 saithH5002 the LORD,H3068 even(H853) lovingkindnessH2617 and mercies.H7356

Jer_23:17 They say stillH559 H559 unto them that despiseH5006 me, The LORDH3068 hath said,H1696 Ye shall haveH1961 peace;H7965 and they sayH559 unto every oneH3605 that walkethH1980 after the imaginationH8307 of his own heart,H3820 NoH3808 evilH7451 shall comeH935 uponH5921 you.

Jer_28:9 The prophetH5030 whichH834 prophesiethH5012 of peace,H7965 when the wordH1697 of the prophetH5030 shall come to pass,H935 then shall the prophetH5030 be known,H3045 thatH834 the LORDH3068 hath trulyH571 sentH7971 him.

Jer_29:7 And seekH1875 (H853) the peaceH7965 of the cityH5892 whitherH834 H8033 I have caused you to be carried away captives,H1540 and prayH6419 untoH413 the LORDH3068 forH1157 it: forH3588 in the peaceH7965 thereof shall ye haveH1961 peace.H7965

Jer_29:11 ForH3588 IH595 knowH3045 (H853) the thoughtsH4284 thatH834 IH595 thinkH2803 towardH5921 you, saithH5002 the LORD,H3068 thoughtsH4284 of peace,H7965 and notH3808 of evil,H7451 to giveH5414 you an expectedH8615 end.H319

Jer_30:5 ForH3588 thusH3541 saithH559 the LORD;H3068 We have heardH8085 a voiceH6963 of trembling,H2731 of fear,H6343 and notH369 of peace.H7965
