Anonymous ID: 920cba Aug. 30, 2024, 5:03 a.m. No.21506656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6776

Morning anons,


Did you ever watch this video? What did you think, is he crazy or do you think it is true?


Claims he was sent to jail while trying to report a pedophile ring to the local sheriff after the FBI/gbi said they could not help because President Trump signed a law. Says he filed for divorce after abuse from a satanic cult that lured him to Union County Georgia.


Get this, he claims the family is county contractors who were taught how to cheat the election system and they are connected well enough to be vote counters in our election. Connects symbolism like 666, pentagram his wife sprayed above her wedding dress and other things makes him believe that they are a satanic cult. Gets even wilder. He finds Yahoo answers that he believes is his ex wife and a teacher in Union county public school having a pedophile relationship grooming his ex wife into the cult.. and they wrote books.


Have you seen this video? It is maddening to think satanic sheriffs and their allies in media, politics, a d medical morphed the United states into a slave colony while keeping the military, honest police, and civilian distracted


Watch the video, trying to figure out if it is fake like Egon Cholkeian