you forgot suspend election due to war.
Just because it is the most read does that mean that it is the most accurate? I did not realize that popularity meant that things were true. Hollywood celebrities must be totally honest then.
who said I have not read it. I just found it lacking. Your god is a dick.
I know imagine needing people to worship you talk about narcissism. kek.
yeah your god is totally idiotic. Imagine telling people you have free will but if you do not choose as per this particular book you can be enslaved or killed at the whim of said god or his in group preference. Totally idiotic.
says who. You don't get to determine that. You have no authority. neither does your imagination.
fuck off with your prayers. Shove them down your throat and choke.
sauce. I do not recognize your bible as sauce since it becomes a self referential document where you can just say it is true because it exists.
why is it lost just because I think your thoughts are wrong and I think that by speaking of them spreading the obvious lie that your kind spread is detrimental to society.y
can the bible karens just fucking die already.
I don't. eat shit kys.
I hate liars. A liar like Fauci who said the jab was same and stupid people took it trusting the state and the doctors. No different than people shouting do not trust the religious institutions either as they have deceived you as well.
Yeah I do think you are an idiot trusting those who have been proven to enslave people. You just want to believe you truth is found in your doctrine and dogma and fuck everyone else because they do no have your specialized view of the truth. This is just what causes further division. But I Guess if everyone just agreed with your version of the truth there would be no division. What a lazy thinker you are.
or maybe some anons just do not give a fuck anymore and are willing to call out the fucking stupid fucking cultists on all sides.
did people trust the institution of medicine and government and was that trust to be shown as faulty and wrong at every level. Same goes for the institutions of region. If you think they are the honest brokers fine but I have a bridge to sell you if you do.
no looking for truth in a system of lies that only gives you more lies as truth. The bible is the furthest thing anyone should take seriously, from the historical problems, to the translation problems, it all changes the narrative and that is enough on its own to change everything that the world thinks about any of this if they just use a fe wbrain cells.
when in doubt pretend jewish when they call out bs in the bible.
honestly I wish I was getting paid but I am just an anon doing this for free and over the course of it has had my mind changed about many things including this. But when in doubt, claim getting paid. It is ok, I say it also to people.
I won't argue a sense of community is fine but when it as the expense of group think and consensus of thought based upon faith alone and I get that is the point somewhat, but again people had faith in the institution of medicine. Many anons said fuck that don't trust that shit, and were proven right. What else has been lied about, not just now but all time. Does that effect the way people have acted and believed, of course. SO when there is evidence to the contrary instead of just saying I have truth realize there is more out there than just the bible alone and sadly for those people of faith who are just wanting something good are being led like lambs to the slaughter. If religion is used as a divider of man kind then people need to be shaken from its control.
why do people feel the need to automatically discount things just because they do not align with their perceived world view, not everyone has to be have according to some arbitrary set of rules let alone tolerate belief structures.
I discounted you because I thought what you said was garbage. You asserted you knew things like truth to which I basically have called you a liar over and over again. You can only sauce belief that something is true not that it is. People had faith that the government would not hurt them. Look how that turned out. Religion is the same shit, get you to hate others and think they are less because your god is not their god etc etc. Way more commonalities exists but because everyone clings to an abstract idea with no backbone they get all uppity about what they think. The real enemy are those who use the trust and hearts of decent people to spread the lies of the gospel and whatever else to gullible people, while they hide history and information from them which keeps them in their mental shackles. If you even think History has ever been lied about you have to ask then what makes your history so special to say that it has not been altered.
Partially because whatever your beliefs are, I know are going to be garbage and lies. Just your beliefs. I do not believe in Jesus especially not with those other words placed behind it. No you deserved to be treated that way because you are saying lies. You just said Jesus is the way and the truth. THAT IS A LIE. you only say that because of the book your read. That would be the bible, had to learn about Jesus somehow. Then if you start picking and choosing how you interpret that book, you have problems with everything from narrative, to writer voice, just to the historicity of the events in it. I know that I hate these ideas and not just christians thoughts all of them. Because everyone of these groups hinges on an initial lie or just even to be generous a lost memory.
Seems foolish to hang you hat of salvation on a history of lies.
good to know the delusion will continue and slave retards like yourself will continue to kneel at the alter of the deep state. No matter how much evidence and proof can be shown that History including how the foundations of these religions were created have been lies. From the very start. Then when the problems are called out they will deflect and just interpret it a different way or they do not know and should read more of the controlled liturgy
I don't know the truth no one does, but when you put together enough of these things and realize there is a system at control at play. Enough of these starts to paint a picture of a lie is being sold. It is used to keep people divided because they are not aware of things outside of their dogmatic principles.
If you think that is the argument you just further show your own stupidity. I question who your god is and if it is a good or evil entity based on the evidence in the book which he is presented.
Maybe you are here to hear what a fucking clown retard you are and how much the bible is a sack of lies written by those who wish to enslave you. It bothers because you think it is true and that other people are less than unless they have belief in that symbol with the same delusion levels you do. You support the larp. Islam and Judaism are just as harmful to people.
again with the projection. No not my god.
and again fuck you and I rebuke your prayers from your evil god.
Fuck off.
Bible only divides people unless you 100% agree with it which the cultists would like because more people would be controlled.
I shit on your holy spirit.
true, crapping on ghosts just ends up with a bunch of sheet on the floor.
quoting your shitty book means fuck all.