Anonymous ID: 57574c Aug. 30, 2024, 7:27 p.m. No.21510397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

fucking and fracking vs ???

Rebel Son - From a Mile Away


Eze_43:27 And when(H853) these daysH3117 are expired,H3615 it shall be,H1961 that upon the eighthH8066 day,H3117 and so forward,H1973 the priestsH3548 shall makeH6213 (H853) your burnt offeringsH5930 uponH5921 the altar,H4196 and your peace offerings;H8002 and I will acceptH7521 you, saithH5002 the LordH136 GOD.H3069

Eze_45:15 And oneH259 lambH7716 out ofH4480 the flock,H6629 out ofH4480 two hundred,H3967 out of the fat pasturesH4480 H4945 of Israel;H3478 for a meat offering,H4503 and for a burnt offering,H5930 and for peace offerings,H8002 to make reconciliationH3722 forH5921 them, saithH5002 the LordH136 GOD.H3069

Eze_45:17 And it shall beH1961 the prince's partH5921 H5387 to give burnt offerings,H5930 and meat offerings,H4503 and drink offerings,H5262 in the feasts,H2282 and in the new moons,H2320 and in the sabbaths,H7676 in allH3605 solemnitiesH4150 of the houseH1004 of Israel:H3478 heH1931 shall prepareH6213 (H853) the sin offering,H2403 and the meat offering,H4503 and the burnt offering,H5930 and the peace offerings,H8002 to make reconciliationH3722 forH1157 the houseH1004 of Israel.H3478

Eze_46:2 And the princeH5387 shall enterH935 by the wayH1870 of the porchH197 of that gateH8179 without,H4480 H2351 and shall standH5975 byH5921 the postH4201 of the gate,H8179 and the priestsH3548 shall prepareH6213 (H853) his burnt offeringH5930 and his peace offerings,H8002 and he shall worshipH7812 atH5921 the thresholdH4670 of the gate:H8179 then he shall go forth;H3318 but the gateH8179 shall notH3808 be shutH5462 untilH5704 the evening.H6153

Eze_46:12 Now whenH3588 the princeH5387 shall prepareH6213 a voluntaryH5071 burnt offeringH5930 orH176 peace offeringsH8002 voluntarilyH5071 unto the LORD,H3068 one shall then openH6605 him(H853) the gateH8179 that lookethH6437 toward the east,H6921 and he shall prepareH6213 (H853) his burnt offeringH5930 and his peace offerings,H8002 asH834 he didH6213 on the sabbathH7676 day:H3117 then he shall go forth;H3318 and afterH310 his going forthH3318 one shall shutH5462 (H853) the gate.H8179

pardon me fren(ch)

Anonymous ID: 57574c Aug. 30, 2024, 8 p.m. No.21510491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

last one workfaggin labor labor day wkend kek

this place indoctrinatin g

be safe quit yer ?


Dan_4:1 NebuchadnezzarH5020 the king,H4430 unto allH3606 people,H5972 nations,H524 and languages,H3961 thatH1768 dwellH1753 in allH3606 the earth;H772 PeaceH8001 be multipliedH7680 unto you.

Dan_6:25 ThenH116 kingH4430 DariusH1868 wroteH3790 unto allH3606 people,H5972 nations,H524 and languages,H3961 thatH1768 dwellH1753 in allH3606 the earth;H772 PeaceH8001 be multipliedH7680 unto you.

Dan_8:25 And throughH5921 his policyH7922 also he shall cause craftH4820 to prosperH6743 in his hand;H3027 and he shall magnifyH1431 himself in his heart,H3824 and by peaceH7962 shall destroyH7843 many:H7227 he shall also stand upH5975 againstH5921 the PrinceH8269 of princes;H8269 but he shall be brokenH7665 withoutH657 hand.H3027

Dan_10:19 And said,H559 O manH376 greatly beloved,H2530 fearH3372 not:H408 peaceH7965 be unto thee, be strong,H2388 yea, be strong.H2388 And when he had spokenH1696 untoH5973 me, I was strengthened,H2388 and said,H559 Let my lordH113 speak;H1696 forH3588 thou hast strengthenedH2388 me.

beg me pardon peace