Anonymous ID: c72025 Aug. 30, 2024, 7:39 p.m. No.21510433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0441 >>0452 >>0489 >>0683

Transcript: Trump @ Moms For Liberty Summit


President Trump [Moms For Liberty Summit]: If you think twenty-one million [illegals]; so if you say a certain large percentage of them are bad, because when you empty out your prisons, and you empty out your mental institutions, it's a lot of people. It's bigger than most armies, are in our country.



President Trump: I read where they're spending billions of dollars [on illegals]; I thought New York had no money, and yet they're spending billions of dollars of money, and it's not given by the federal government, so how are they doing this? The city is suffering.



President Trump: She's defective [Harris]. She's a defective person, and we don't need another defective person as president of the Unitred States. We just had that.



President Trump: She [Harris] also said, 'I worked at McDonalds'. Turned out, she didn't work at McDonalds. Anybody see that? After an exhaustive study that took about twenty minutes, they found out she never worked there. So, you know, a lot of fake stuff going on.



President Trump: I would have been happy if he [Biden] were a great president. And I wouldn't have run. I wouldn't have run. I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election [2020]. I mean, I think we won that election by so much. By so much. If I thought I lost that election, I absolutely wouldn't, I wouldn't have run, because I lost the election. But I think we did phenomenally.



Question: There's been an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender, children are being taught they were born in the wrong body; it's an incredibly abusive message to send. Let's talk a little bit about some of the things that you might be able to do as president.

President Trump: Well, you can do everything. President has such power. It does. It has such power…the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it, your kid goes to school, and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child.



President Trump: They suffer from a thing called TDS. Do you know what that is? It's a horrible, horrible, terminal disease. It destroys the mind before the body, but the body eventually goes…they can't even stand their life, they can't stand anything.



President Trump: What happened is [Right To Try], I got everybody in a room, I said, listen, there's not going to be any liability. People are going to sign a document that they're not going to sue the country, they're not going to sue the state, they're not going to sue the doctors or the medical platforms, they're not going to sue anybody. They just want the drug. And we have saved thousands and thousands of lives. It's amazing.



President Trump: The parents truly love the kids. Some of these people on the [school] boards, I think they don't like the kids very much, what they're doing, so you have to give the rights back to the parents. This administration; it's like the FBI goes after the people like it's some kind of an insurrection. It's crazy.

Tiffany Justice: Yes, sir. They called us domestic terrorists, President Trump. For speaking out at school board meetings, defending our children.

President Trump: We'll change that on the first day, I promise you.,



President Trump: Massive percentages of women are being raped, and just beat to hell, coming up in the caravans…mothers give their girls big bottles, big, big, bottles of birth control pills, because they know bad things are happening to their daughters coming up.



President Trump: They're being killed by illegal aliens. You know, there's no correct term, because any term you use, they criticize you. Shouldn't use the word alien, you shouldn't use the word migrant. They want to take all the words away so that you can't talk about the subject anymore, basically



President Trump: We have a great military, and our real military is not going to be woke. You couldn't convince them to be woke if you screamed at 'em all day for the next ten years. But the guys on television are woke, and a lot of the top people are woke, but they'll all be gone pretty quick. They're going to all be gone. We'll get 'em out.

Anonymous ID: c72025 Aug. 30, 2024, 7:43 p.m. No.21510452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0455

notables @ 520


#26354 >>21509904

>>21510433 Transcript: Trump @ Moms For Liberty Summit

>>21510265 DJT: "Now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective - we don't need another defective person as President of the US"

>>21510274, >>21510327 President Trump explains the symptoms of TDS and the progression of the disease 🤣

>>21509975 DOD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns

>>21510136 Reagan movie is out today

>>21510140 Tim Walz’s brother, Jeff, hopes to get on stage at a Trump rally to expose his brother’s “poor character”

>>21510194, >>21510325 Loomer scoop re: New York's lawfare on Trump

>>21510214 The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"

>>21510257 VPN is a helluva drug

>>21510323 You Won’t Believe Kamala Harris and Merrick Garland’s Latest Trick to Avoid Blame for Inflation

>>21510332 Bannon is the premier political strategist right now in this country and Joe Biden, Kamala Harris are silencing him

>>21509951 Memes


Anonymous ID: c72025 Aug. 30, 2024, 8 p.m. No.21510489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

notables @ 550


#26354 >>21509904

>>21510433 Transcript: Trump @ Moms For Liberty Summit

>>21510465 Scavino: Happening Now–President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C.

>>21510265 DJT: "Now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective - we don't need another defective person as President of the US"

>>21510274, >>21510327 President Trump explains the symptoms of TDS and the progression of the disease 🤣

>>21509975 DOD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns

>>21510136 Reagan movie is out today

>>21510140 Tim Walz’s brother, Jeff, hopes to get on stage at a Trump rally to expose his brother’s “poor character”

>>21510341, >>21510431 Loomer: Tim Walz’s brother Jeff responds to my report by condemning all of Walz’s ideology

>>21510194, >>21510325 Loomer scoop re: New York's lawfare on Trump

>>21510214 The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"

>>21510257 VPN is a helluva drug

>>21510323 You Won’t Believe Kamala Harris and Merrick Garland’s Latest Trick to Avoid Blame for Inflation

>>21510332 Bannon is the premier political strategist right now in this country and Joe Biden, Kamala Harris are silencing him

>>21510333 Anon opines on the chess moves

>>21510372 Taipei former mayor arrested in graft probe

>>21510449 'Pedophile' dies in car crash while being chased by cops in NYC hours after abducting and molesting girl, 9, from a supermarket

>>21510457, >>21510476 Nancy Pelosi just told Bill Maher that she plans to grant citizenship to every illegal immigrant and give them free housing

>>21509951 Memes
