[Kek maybe buy some billboards along highways in Brazil
Part trolling part knowledge]
[Lesser shekelstan..not great.
Because troll.
Trying to make almost the whole middle east into their own greatest allies.. by force]
<like "israeli" settlements
[The gatekeepers have opened the gates for the invaders]
[Wish I knew..
What happened at the Washington Monument Trials 🎬
What's hidden in the Invention Secrecy Act 💡]
[Canada anals you too]
[Religious dogma is the rose colored glasses preventing people from exploring history's truths]
[Church & synagogue]
[Followers love fallacy.
Leaders seek truth.]
<true human potential
>Secret Vatican > China Accord
<judicial ?
< : Celestial. [Iirc]
[Nasa dudes gravestone iirc]
<fucking normiefags
<can't even anon correctly
<gay aids everywhere
<monkey vaids shedding droppings
<please clap
<don't think too much that's gay
Projector -plates cave
An enhanced version of reality sold as reality TV.
Telling (you) their vision.
[I don't get it..what's to enjoy?]