Yep it's important.
massive "criminal Conspiracy" to defraud our Nation going back over 50 years!
People who studied Government Crime knew it, but of course majority consensus, as programed by the same criminal group who owns and controls the Mass Media, book industry, colleges and Universities, has been it's just a "theory" held by a crazy marginalized minority.
(this is why Truth by Consensus (as practiced by Twitter) is bullshit. Truth is Truth even if just one person knows what it is.
That's why we, here, were named by the criminal Hillary Clinton "deplorables" and are perceived by the normies as "misfits, "incel" "losers" and we see ourselves named that way every day by paid-for shill.
Also, named "Jew" here, which is also seemingly strange, (not knowing the history of jew-hate, which goes back centuries to the ancient world) proves muhJews shills are part of the program of misinformation and deflection from the reality of who are the real perps. It's not a people who believe in the ten commandments (just a hint).