Anonymous ID: 77817e Aug. 31, 2024, 2:53 p.m. No.21514173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4177 >>4179 >>4184 >>4189 >>4203

Smithsonian:MLK Assassination Tapesaccidentally revealed that Jesse Jackson was a plant by the Muslim Brotherhood. This video must be viewed through a "Christian Lens" and not a "Racial Lens" to see the truth. The truth is the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated Dr. MLK, Jr. Christian Conference Team and then turned on him.


MLK gave his last speech at theMason Temple.


The deep state dragon and the beast work together to kill Christian leaders!


This picture below is from the 16:43 mark of the video. I have also included a pic of big mike and hussein making the same (Muslim brotherhood- eye of horus symbol) in an official White Hose photo.


Symbolism will be their downfall anons!!!

Anonymous ID: 77817e Aug. 31, 2024, 2:59 p.m. No.21514203   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Smithsonian:MLK Assassination Tapesaccidentally revealed that Jesse Jackson was a plant by the Muslim Brotherhood. This video must be viewed through a "Christian Lens" and not a "Racial Lens" to see the truth. The truth is the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated Dr. MLK, Jr. Christian Conference Team and then turned on him.


MLK gave his last speech at theMason Temple.


The deep state dragon and the beast work together to kill Christian leaders!


This picture below is from the 16:43 mark of the video. I have also included a pic of big mike and hussein making the same (Muslim brotherhood- eye of horus symbol) in an official White Hose photo.


Symbolism will be their downfall anons!!!