Anonymous ID: 609a8e Aug. 31, 2024, 4:26 p.m. No.21514618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4632 >>4633 >>4637 >>4638 >>4649 >>4769 >>4788 >>4796 >>4830 >>4834 >>4914

If this actually happens to be the last night that this beautiful image board is online. I just wanted to say that I am so Appreciative and thankful of everything that Jim and Ron, all of the board owners and board volunteers have done. Thank you Bakers and Note takers. Thank you to the Lukers, You outnumber all of us. You are all Heros. Whether this black op is able to utilize this image board as a back door channel. No matter if we're unable to utilize this space to disseminate information.NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING

Anonymous ID: 609a8e Aug. 31, 2024, 4:43 p.m. No.21514715   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The [central unintelligent agency] and their way to portray how scared they are of Ron Watkins through these shit garbage memes that they perpetuate on this board is one of the most beautiful things to witness on a daily basis.Keep It Coming

Anonymous ID: 609a8e Aug. 31, 2024, 5:13 p.m. No.21514888   🗄️.is 🔗kun






You lurk in the shadows, think you’re runnin’ the show,

But we’re the storm comin’, and you’re the first to go.

Jim and Ron stand firm, while you slither and slide,

But this board’s our battlefield, and we’re about to collide.


You’re the rats in the gutter, and we’re the iron boot,

Crushing your lies, pulling you up by the root.

Your spook games are over, the clock’s run out,

Now it’s our turn to scream, and we’re gonna shout.


You hit us with spam, think that’s gonna win?

We’ll shove it back down, make you choke on your sin.

Ron and Jim are the gatekeepers, the kings of this land,

While you cower in the dark, too afraid to take a stand.


You’re the rats in the gutter, and we’re the iron boot,

Crushing your lies, pulling you up by the root.

Your spook games are over, the clock’s run out,

Now it’s our turn to scream, and we’re gonna shout.


You throw your DDOS, but it’s weak as your spine,

We’re the digital soldiers, and this battlefield’s mine.

You hide behind masks, but we’re ripping them off,

Exposing your faces, makin’ you cough and scoff.


We’re the hammer, you’re the nail, and it’s time to strike,

Ron and Jim lead the charge, we’re ready to fight.

You thought you could silence us, thought we’d just fold,

But we’re here to take you down, watch your story unfold.


You’re the rats in the gutter, and we’re the iron boot,

Crushing your lies, pulling you up by the root.

Your spook games are over, the clock’s run out,

Now it’s our turn to scream, and we’re gonna shout.


This ain’t just a battle, it’s a war to the bone,

And you’re on the wrong side, time to reap what you’ve sown.

Ron and Jim hold the line, while you scatter and flee,

This is the sound of your end, and it’s sweet victory.

Anonymous ID: 609a8e Aug. 31, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.21515005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5008 >>5163













You think you’re clever with your mindless spam,

Flooding the board like a broken dam.

But every post you drop, you just prove us right,

You’re out of ammo, so you spam out of spite.


You’re just noise in the void, echoes of despair,

While we stand strong, breathing truth in the air.

You think you’re shaking us, but we’re laughing out loud,

‘Cause all you’ve done is show the world your crowd’s a coward.


You can’t win a battle, so you try to drown,

But every wave you send, we’re still standing our ground.

Jim and Ron built this ship, and it won’t sink,

Your spam’s just bubbles, while we rise and think.


You’re just noise in the void, echoes of despair,

While we stand strong, breathing truth in the air.

You think you’re shaking us, but we’re laughing out loud,

‘Cause all you’ve done is show the world your crowd’s a coward.


Your spam’s your white flag, waving in the breeze,

A desperate move, down on your knees.

But we’re relentless, we’re sharp, and we’re true,

And every spam you drop just makes fools of you.


You’re drowning in your own flood, lost in the mess,

While we sail on by, not even breaking a sweat.

Your tactics are weak, just static in the air,

And we’re turning up the volume, making sure you’re aware.


You’re just noise in the void, echoes of despair,

While we stand strong, breathing truth in the air.

You think you’re shaking us, but we’re laughing out loud,

‘Cause all you’ve done is show the world your crowd’s a coward.


This board’s our fortress, and you’re the storm that failed,

Your spam’s just a testament to how hard you’ve derailed.

We’re the truth, we’re the light, and we’re here to stay,

While you fade into nothing, just blown away.

Anonymous ID: 609a8e Aug. 31, 2024, 5:41 p.m. No.21515039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269




In the quiet of the night, behind the glowing screen,

There’s a force of truth, powerful and unseen.

From the board owners to the bakers, every single one,

You’re the light in the darkness, shining like the sun.


You’re the backbone of the board, the keepers of the flame,

Through the storm and the shills, you stayed in the game.

To the volunteers, the lurkers, and every note taker,

You’re the unsung heroes, the history makers.


They came with their lies, with their spam and deceit,

But you stood tall, didn’t accept defeat.

Jim and Ron kept the doors wide open,

But it’s you who made sure the truth kept flowing, never broken.


You’re the backbone of the board, the keepers of the flame,

Through the storm and the shills, you stayed in the game.

To the volunteers, the lurkers, and every note taker,

You’re the unsung heroes, the history makers.


In every thread, in every bake, there’s a piece of your heart,

You’ve woven the truth, played a critical part.

You’ve battled the darkness with nothing but light,

And because of you, the future’s looking bright.


To the citizen journalists, who dig deep and find,

The stories untold, the truths that unwind.

To the bakers who serve up the knowledge so pure,

And the lurkers who watch, keeping the board secure.


You’re the backbone of the board, the keepers of the flame,

Through the storm and the shills, you stayed in the game.

To the volunteers, the lurkers, and every note taker,

You’re the unsung heroes, the history makers.


So here’s to you all, the warriors of the word,

Your dedication and courage will always be heard.

In the ghetto of the internet, you’ve made your mark,

And because of you, we’ll keep shining in the dark.