Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:43 p.m. No.21515048   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5050 >>5053 >>5058 >>5061 >>5065 >>5066 >>5069 >>5071 >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130 >>5140



What i am learning is the story Q is telling is not new. Just the delivery method has changed.


listen to the below and tell me where we have herd this before. Bake i will link posts to this drop so all can be seen.

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:45 p.m. No.21515050   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5053 >>5058 >>5061 >>5065 >>5069 >>5071 >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130




Incidentally, all the president's living presidents along with many of the heads of state



throughout, the world are going to meet.


According to the LA Times are going to meet and the year 2000 at The Pyramid in Egypt to bring in


what is called the New World Order.


There is something going on here on an international worldwide scale right before our eyes.


On the back of the one dollar bill.


There are a lot of important occult symbolism on the back of the one dollar.


Bill on the left hand side.


You'll see the pyramid and the Pyramid of each.


Egypt, that's an Egyptian pyramid on a on an American dollar bill.



The significance is very important above the pyramid.


You will see the words annuit coeptis which basically means a Latin.


Our Enterprise is a success or our project has been crowned with success and the the project which



is a success is on the banner.


Beneath the pyramid.




Ordo, seclorum being Latin for new.


Order of the world or the New World Order on the bottom of the pyramid.


You will see the Roman numerals for 1776.



This exact identical emblem of the pyramid within the circle.


The novus ordo.


Seclorum has not.


It was not original in America.


It was first found on writings that are today and museums in Europe, and the year 1774. 75 by a man

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:45 p.m. No.21515053   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5058 >>5061 >>5065 >>5069 >>5071 >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130




named Adam Weiss hop who founded the Bavarian order of the Illuminati.


A secret society of Freemasons operating in Europe that had designs on the entire world and to bring


about what they call a new world order.



So that emblem on the back of the dollar bill on the left hand side with the, with the pyramid is


not an American symbol.


It is a very old symbol drumming from a out the fact that this is the order of the Illuminati.




And the Mets.


First. 1976, did not significant signify the creation of the United States of America.



No, but the order of the Illuminati for the enlightened ones, are the luciferians.


Yes, and this is a satanic symbol.


It is on the cover of the Illuminati documents from May 1st 1776, which obviously precedes the birth



of this nation on July, 4th, 1776 and the very top of the pyramid.




There's the odd poo, All-Seeing Eye, which was the name of the Soviet Secret Police during the


Stalin era right now.


Anthony, you've done you spend most of your life studying these secret societies and the Illuminati



and you put out a record some time ago called the Illuminati cfrp is on Foreign Relations.






This is, you know, I've heard various charlatans coming out talking about the Illuminati, but I was


wondering if you could get into a little bit more detail.



The history of this organization and some of the more you were talking about the eagle, for


instance, pyramids and that sort of thing, right.


And talk a little bit about the Free Masonry origins of the Illuminati.


Well, let me just make this one comment first and Anthony can go on with it.

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:46 p.m. No.21515058   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5061 >>5065 >>5069 >>5071 >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130





The at the top of the pyramid, you'll see the little triangle with the eye in it.


The I was the Eye of Horus, Horus was the eye of God, the Sun, and so the sun represented, the pupil


or the eye of God in the age.


Ancient Egyptian philosophy and that's why you'll see the light emanating from around the eye.



So it's the worship of light luciferianism.


It's the worship of the coming forth of light into the world and therefore our masters, these these


manipulating Masters behind the scenes of world government who are manipulating All Peoples consider



themselves to be enlightened, enlightened despots enlightened people.


And of course, when you go to university, City.


You graduate from a university, you where the Masonic square of Freemasonry on your, on your head to


symbolize that, you're an alumni.



Alumni comes from the word alumini, you have been illuminated into the enlightened power structure


of the New World Order.


That's the factual basis for the symbols and to go on with the rest of the symbolism.


Well, I think it's important to bring out the fact that George Bush did not write the New World





Or in fact, if you want to know who wrote The New World Order, you simply go back to Adolf Hitler.


It wasn't his first book.


That was mine.


Cop the second book.


Alright, the New World Order and ra Rudolf Hess went out and said an introduction of Hitler.



He said Ein Volk.


Ein Reich.


Ein fuhrer, One World One race, one ruler.


That's what this whole United Nations is all about.


And I'm for a free world, that's in.


Opposition to the New World Order.



Bush's New World Order may have come from Adolf Hitler.


But Bill Clinton's New Covenant.


Clearly comes from the Old Testament.


All right.


Now, the New Covenant that is a, that is a catch phrase.


That is a term, which has been used for at least 500 years by a secret society of Freemasons in



Europe, called the British, Israel, World Federation, British Israel, World Federation.


You can see topics and movies based on this subject.


Like there's a motion picture just come out called the handmaidens tale based on British Israel

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:47 p.m. No.21515061   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5065 >>5069 >>5071 >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130






Philosophy for America, a secret society of Freemasons, promoting something that is called as far


back as 500 years ago, British Israel philosophy.


Anglo Israel philosophy, which is tying in the Old Testament governmental system to be the basis for



a new world order in the Coming future and that's why the symbolism to Oxford.


Yeah, and it has to be a Rhodes scholar, right?


The Rhodes Scholarship Foundation.


And this whole thing of a New Covenant comes the directly from British Israel, Freemasonry Rhodes



scholar the Rhodes scholarship of England so that we can get into that.


It gets it.


We can get into all of the other artists and nificant some of the democratic party, his term and His


term of the, the Covenant, the New Covenant, and Cecil Rhodes.



This is the founder of Rhodesia.


That's where Rhodesia got its name.


And we had a little thing called the round table and some of these luciferian groups and I say




I mean it like George Bush.


Here's a member of the Skull and Bones.



Now, in the Skull and Bones of fraternity.


This is the Faustian Financial fraternity.


The started up at Yale University In 1832.


Came over here as, as a bounce off of the Jacobin society, which was involved in the French


Revolution and the reign of terror it Yale University.



They have a structure and you can go there, anybody can go there and see this structure, they call a


tomb inside the tomb.


They have their initiation and the fellows.


They lay down in a coffin in George Bush's.



One of them lay down in a coffin nude and they're born.


Again into this satanic order.


It's the ritual.


It's been there.


William Buckley Junior, the harriman's.




Conservatives know, George Bush is in the conservative liberal.



Ronald Reagan is not a conservative.


In fact, Ronald Reagan is so far left.


I mean, can I say this?


Ronald Reagan is not a conservative.


He never was a conservative.


He is not a conservative.


He never will be a conservative in the early days they used.



Call him red Ronnie.


It's a simple as that he was in the United World Federalist for 13 years.


He was in the LA committee for a democratic Far Eastern policy, which was associated with The


Institute of Pacific relations, which is listed as an instrument of the Soviet Union, the sky so far



left, he makes Fidel Castro look like a member of the John Birch Society.


All you've ever heard about Ronald Reagan was simply rhetoric.


We have a 1 party system.


Oh controlled by this oligarchy.


Alright, that's George Bush.


That's the the Skull and Bones society and I okay.

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:48 p.m. No.21515065   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5069 >>5071 >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130 >>5176 >>5185







I guess I can see this.


But Bill Clinton though.


He was not a member of the Skull and Bones society.


No, I believe.


Is Bill Clinton a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.




He certainly.




He's CEO, George.


Bush's, Council on Foreign Relations.


Young course, they'll Clinton wasn't lying naked in a coffin.



Trying to get born again.


No, no, no.


No, we have to go back to an election 1980.


We had Jimmy, Carter from The Trial.


Automation, yeah, George Bush from the trilateral commission, and John Anderson from the trilateral


commission is the independent ticket.


So it wouldn't make any difference.



Which way the coin flipped heads.


They win Tails.


We lose the rock of our Tails.


We win danyluk heads years.


Well, no, we lose even if the coin landed on its side they had all bases covered.



All right, you, you know, when you mention the trilateral commission and you mentioned the


Rockefellers, I've heard many Fringe groups from ranging from the fundamentalist to the neo-nazis or


whatever, taking bits and pieces of this and constructing it into their own agenda.



Aren't you worried about being misinterpreted.


They all have their own.


Everybody has their own spin on it, write their own agenda.


But what we're talking about is things that can be proven from accepted reference works.


How you use that information to promote your own philosophies?



You're on the gender has used that's their problem.


And there is you're saying that there is proof that from May the first 1776 that the organization


the Illuminati billion looked at on to the end of this end of this very day.


The Illuminati is still around echoing the rally and the cover.


Their document is the left hand side, a reversal of the dollar dollar bill and it was in it was put



on there early on but it was the reverse seal early on but it Wasn't until the corn cob Mystic Vice


President, George W George Wallace, but Henry Wallace and receive while who talked to Roosevelt said



hey, this thing's got to go on there.




He had in the white house.


A little Shrine for Madame blavatsky.


I'm Le vas.


Key wrote.


I see some veiled and the secret Doctrine.


Yeah, but she had a, she had a Manifesto going.


She also had a publication of a book.



Well, I've seen the books.


It's the Find works of Lucifer.


She had Lucifer magazine and I've held those copies of Lucifer in my hand leather-bound.


She was the publisher and co-editor with Annie besant.



And from this Lucifer organization came, theosophy.


And there's only when from theosophy came Unity came, let us.


Yes the One world, religion philosophy.



And if you go to the United Nations, they've got a meditation room and you'll find out that the high


religion, is the only one that is accepted in the United Nations in the mediation and you're going


to find the little Illuminati pyramid.


So there's loaded with symbology and Jordan Maxwell, is the expert on it.



And what I was going to say to is that the United Nations uses a particular publishing firm for all


of their documents in public, and The materials and it's called Lucius publishing the United




Use the Lucius publishing Lucius, publishing was at one time, Helena provide, skis Lucifer

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:49 p.m. No.21515069   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5071 >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130










So today the haunted by the Lucifer, trust the Lucifer, trust United Nations.


That's why it's in New York because New York is referred to as the Empire State because the new


state of the new Empire that is coming.



That's why it's Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.


What their?


No Jones, and The Empire Strikes Back it has to do with occultism has to do with numerology and has


to do with a lot of mysticism coming out of theosophy.


The, the point being is that we are involved in some very powerful occult manipulation of the World



by some very astute occultist, and we are not even beginning to be aware of how far gone crazy to


pave United world.


Government, I don't want to do away with our individuality.


Some people are white.



Some people are black tall, short fat, thin Muslims, Buddhists Christians Jews.


I like the diversity.


I don't want to see a world with 220 Nations.


I want to see a world with maybe 3,000 Nations.



I believe in the right to integrate, to segregate to separate to have linguistic tribal Nations.


States emerge.


Where there are these people like in Africa and I lived there for a while, where the metabee leaves


have been fighting.


The Michonne has let them have their own nation states.



Let that division take place.


Let there be a free world Alliance.


Let there be a Croatia, let there be a Serbia.


Let all individual separate and find a place that is comfortable.


Let them do their own thing in their own time and their own way.



If somebody wants to Be a racist.


Let them be a racist.


Let them have a racist State.


Let Israel exists.


It is it's a religious state.


It has a racist philosophy, fine.


But let there be a Palestine, let there be an independent gossip.



I would like to see the secession of Alaska.


I work there on Radio free America for three and a half years.


I called, for the independence of Alaska.


It should be an independent nation.


Well, you know, when you You're mentioning all those conspiracy stuff.



Now, I'm thinking that, you know, when various things happen, like when the riots happened about six


months ago, April 29th in May first right at first but when it happened and when just about


everything bad in our society, that's happened.


Not just the riot.



I mean, it's almost tempting to want to believe that there are people behind their point of strength


and all that because it creates the false sense of security that if we can just stop these people,


we can have a better life and that sort of thing.


We can have a better life if we stop.


You know, you don't think it's a bunch of people just making mistakes and that, oh, you're just



reading those other things.


How could everything happened, just accidentally, I mean, everything goes wrong and it just happens


to go wrong every time everywhere, and we've been getting worse off and worse off, and we're soft


Ronald Reagan and George Bush who are supposed to be conservative, quote, conservatives, tripled the

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:49 p.m. No.21515071   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5076 >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130









national debt.


I mean, all of the The the debt with their was acquired from George Washington through, Jimmy


Carter, they tripled the national debt and then reporters get out there and say, hey, I'm thinking


that these guys are conservative.


They're not conservative.



Can't you just write it up to a bad economic plan and says thing to therapy.


Let me kill Eli design.


Let me explain Somethin lady.


Bad economic, do not get to be president of the United States and you do not have hundreds of


advisors, Highly Educated proficient advisors.



And Field of activity of human endeavor getting see two reports everyday from the CIA.


You're getting USI Adia documentation every hour on the hour for the economy of the world.


All things happening in the Earth, being being being directed to the president's table.



You don't make mistakes.


When you have become president.


You have the finest Minds in the world working for you.


The finest.


Intellects at the Western World can produce.


That's why you, that's why in a dog-eat-dog world.


Our country is the most powerful economic Society on Earth because we are a very powerfully



intellectual Society.


We don't make mistakes Roosevelt, put it this way in politics in politics.


Nothing happens by accident.


If it happens, it wasn't the gland that way, right?



So they planned on George Bush and Dan Quayle, Don't Ya?


No Doubt about George Bush.


And Dan Quayle.


What if I most intelligent people work?


No, hell no, they're not the most intelligent people but their don't know.


They are, they are conspiratorial there for you when you get somebody from the Skull and Bones and



the trilateral commission and a guy who says everything.


I am today, I owe to David Rockefeller founder of the trilateral commission.


Why is it that we don't talk about this organization?


If they were members of the Nazi party, if they were members of the Boy Scouts or some drag queen





In West Hollywood, we would be talking about them.


They're deep front page headlines, but the trilateral commission, 7890 people who controls all three


candidates for the president of the United States.


In 1980.


We have what we have, we like to say in this country that we have the ability As Americans to elect.



But the problem is we do not have the ability to see lat we can only elac, which means that we can


only vote for those candidates which are put before Us by our masters are Hidden Masters behind the




And when you understand that the Democratic and the Republican Party are financed and believe me in



this world money as the bottom line.


If you have it or if you don't and the Democratic and the and the Republican Party are financed and


organized and directed by the same banking families.


The same people who financed your banks are the same people who financed your institutions of



government as a Matter of fact, the word for the word for bench in relation to a judge sitting on


the bench, comes from Bank Hall.


Well and which is the Latin.


Meaning the bank, the judge sits on the bench, which is a Latin word for the bank, he officiates for



the system.


So when you go into a court, you're sitting before a court of order, which is actually being


financed by government.


How many were talking about you as they still know that the Federal Reserve is not Roll has nothing



to do with this is not a reserve.


They create that Fiat.


Funny money that you use is like Monopoly money for less than a penny in node.


They lend it to the US Treasury in exchange for interest-bearing bonds.


They print this tougher less than a penny a note, they lend it in exchange for interest-bearing





They issue this into circulation as debt, bearing currency.


We cannot exist as a free and independent nation.


When this evil are key, controls the strings, we have to abolish the privately-owned Federal Reserve

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:51 p.m. No.21515076   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5080 >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130












And that's why on the dollar bill is, says, up in the left-hand corner on the dollar bill.


This note is legal tender for all debts public and private.


The reason it was put on there is because it Was a piece of paper and you have to tell the people



that is legal.


You don't have to tell anyone say and is redeemable in lawful money in lawful redeemable in real




And that meant it wasn't.


It's not lawful money.


It's not a dollar.


If you have a piece of toilet paper, it can be used and tossed away.



But as soon as you print Federal Reserve Note, it becomes an obligation of the public to pay.


So what was saying is that the Federal Reserve System is nothing whatsoever to do with the The


federal government just like Federal vacuum cleaners.



And Federated Department Stores has nothing to do with.


It's a word.


It is a play on words, a Federal Reserve System is a private banking institution, with most of its




They class A stock holders have never been revealed every night and State's public.



There's never been a lot it, right?


Never better not independent.


Audit this organization.


Okay, it says pulling strings here.


Who how many people are controlling.


This at the helm of one man or no Levenstein oligarchy, and I call it an evil are key because they



want to bring about a luciferian new world order.


And by luciferian, we're talking about what you mean?


Talking about a satanic, a satanic order.


And if you take a look at the layout of Washington DC and Jordan, Maxwell is the expert on this.



I've got, you'll find out that the entire city was laid out in In symbols, if you take a look at the


obelisk in the Illuminati pyramid, at the top of the list of to the tort claim andris going toward



the Capitol building.


If you take, which I have pictures over the over the city looking down on Washington, d.c.


You'll see, there are two main boulevards culminating in a pyramid and just at the very top of the


pyramid, has a street cutting it off.


And then within the triangle at the top, where the eye on the dollar bill is is the cap.



Toll and the Capitol Building sits there.


It's a pair of bed than it has the eye of the Cleopatra's Needle, which is a Washington Monument.


And the, and they River the long river way.


And the long Waterway is called the River Styx, which is where Pharaoh went into heaven, on the


River Styx.



It is all laid out in the Sonic symbolism and the and the five-pointed star which is a pentagram is


always been used.


Satan worship satanic worship, to five-pointed pentagram.


And if you take the arms off of a pentagram, you have a pentagon and the United States pin.


Saigon is sitting exactly due north aiming due north at the North Star thuban, which is drawing





According to the ancient Egyptians for the God of War.


It's a song of justice that time and he said night stalkers hand right now.


I'm trying to get a Hangul night ritual.




I'm trying to get an angle though on what exactly you mean by Satanism.


Are you referring or satanic?


Do you mean the elevation of human reason or do you the the Strong Survive or do?



You mean a group of people who are actually worshipping a bona?






We're talking about the warlocks of Washington here.


We're talking about people who have Satanic rituals.


We're talking about people who believe in a Lucifer 2000.



We thought were talking about the creation of a new world order in a millennium.


When you're just talking about a thousand points of light.


What do you think?


He's talking about 1,000 points of Life?


Could It Be A Thousand-Year Millennium under Lucifer.



What do you think Jordan?




All right.


There's no doubt in my mind that all the terminology are is the same.


If you go back through the speeches that Adolf Hitler made and into top Nazi speech, writers.


And then then listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say and George Bush and now I knew incoming,



president plan to determine their thousand points of.


He's talked about a thousand year Reich and bushes.


Talking about a thousand points of light and I don't think it's just a coincidence not point at all




Second book is not points of light and his term bush.

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:51 p.m. No.21515080   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5085 >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130











Is New World Order thousand points of light thousand points of light, light is very important to




It has to do with Lucifer and has to do with satanic societies.


And what was saying here is that the government of the United States is in the hands of some very



powerful Sinister?


People who are manipulating not only us but the rest of the world, if you can take a look at Matt,


just take a road map of Washington.




Just take a look at it from the air.


And you'll see what appears to be the goat of Mendes.



And the Goat of Mendes, which is a symbol in Freemasonry.


It's a symbol.


It's a demonic symbol within the preseason goat in the horns.


And the whole thing.


The whole city is laid out like that.


It's all over.


So, what we're basically saying here is that there is nothing happening by chance, as I brought out



by for the George Lucas and Steven Spielberg with their Indiana Jones, and the Last Crusade.


And the Last Crusade is for the Holy Grail, the cup of Christ, it's not.


By chance that we have movies like that because they're in.


Why is that off Hitler?



Always involved with Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?


You can't understand.


Unless you understand the First Crusade.


The First Crusade was was developed by what we call the Knights Templars Masonic Lodge.


The Knights Templars are the ones that gave us, what we call the Columbian faction of the



Illuminati, which comes to America and founds itself in the state of New York.


Which comes from the old York right?


In England from the Duke of York to Old York, England to New York, the Empire State.


Then if you understand that Europe was dominating Europe has dominated the world for almost 1,600



years and we were referred to Europe as the old world.




The power structure of Europe is the Old World Order.


That's the power structure of the old world.


We're going to be doing some more of this.



Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:53 p.m. No.21515085   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5088 >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130












Talk about the difference between the old world order and the New World Order.


We're hearing this term New World Order and now and our troops are in the Middle East because of


something called a new world order.


I just wanted to bring that to your attention.


The reason for that term, Europe is referred to as the old world and the power structure of the old



world was referred to as the old world order.


I mean, the old Romanov Dynasty, is the Rothschilds of England, the banking dynasties throughout


Europe and the and the whole power structure of what we call Europe was the European old world order



and it dominated the world for almost. 1800 years, Europe has dominated the world.


But with the coming of America are Cristo Columbia, the founding of America, we now are in what we


call the new world.





There is a new world power structure in western civilization and centered in America.


And so that's what George Bush is talking about.


A new world.


Order is a new world, Fraternal Order because the word in the dictionary means a fraternal, or





Order, like the Masonic order a lodge.


And so what we're talking about New World, Order is a must as a power structure centered in the new


world and we're seeing terminologies and movies and Motion Pictures.



Like we said, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas with The Empire Strikes Back.


It has to do with New York being the Empire State, the state of the new Empire.


Connecting New York with the old York Dynasty and England and and an America Strikes Back at the old



order, which is the first and second world war.


And if you understand the connections between the Vatican and the European banking families, and


Europe, being the old world order as opposed to America being a new world order and The Empire



Strikes Back.


And of course, the head of the all Freemasons will recognize that Yota is little.


You de are Yoda, as the as the idea log of the Knights Templars free Masonic order giving us what we



call the York Rite or New York.


And so, all of these things are mystical symbols, and emblems.


And from that we had, we can open up a can of worms.


When you get the bottom line, the bottom line of this whole thing is one world.


Government, all right, Ein Volk.



Ein Reich, Ein fuhrer.


They want one world, one currency, One race, one religion.


And if you ever read anything from Global 2000, you'll find out that they plan to reduce the


population of this planet by 25 percent, by the year 2000.



And how they're going to do that Designer diseases.


It's my thesis.


It's dr.


Roberts Trekkers, thesis that they have created AIDS and disseminated AIDS through the hepatitis B,



vaccine shots to the homosexual community in the United States, for the Public Health Service.


And to the blacks in Senegal, Uganda Zaire, the Central African Republic Haiti and Brazil for the


purpose of reducing the population of the planet.



By this 25 percent.


By the year, 2000 through the smallpox vaccine shots over there.


Yeah, what, I have a difficult time trying to get by here, and maybe a lot of people do to us.


We're uniting a lot of things.


I mean, the Empire State Building with the Empire Yoda with the Knights Templar.



Now, we're talking about AIDS, what's coming?


I'm just wondering and Christopher, Columbus.


I'm wondering isn't there any part of human history?


Where things are just the result of incompetence where I just have?


There is a concern.


Pharisee of this oligarchy to bring about this Global government upon the ashes of the United States



of America.


And all of you would be enslaved or slaughtered.


If you don't go along with their gig, the new plan, the plan, the New World Order novus ordo




It's on the dollar bill Adolf Hitler wrote it.


George Bush is implementing it a lot of people are concerned about AIDS and shook hands, man made

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:54 p.m. No.21515088   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5095 >>5105 >>5121 >>5130













disease and there should be created at Fort Detrick.


Eric, there's no question in my mind about that, the World Health Organization, went out to give the


smallpox vaccine shots to the innocent blacks and AIDS is vector-borne.


AIDS is a cancer.


They don't want to come up with a cure until the population of Africa has been diminished





I think that black people in Africa, are an endangered species in South Central Los Angeles.


Not far from where we are right now, at one high school with kids, giving blood to the blood bank.



It was discovered that there was 90% that were hiv-positive.


These are teenage black kids.


I'm saying that aids is not simply epidemic or pandemic.


It's Mega pandemic and AIDS is murder.



This is a this is a designer disease and it is A program to mass murder people of on the planet.


Talking about the population, talking about South Central the Illuminati began.



If I'm to understand you ride on, May the first 1776 and you were ascribing, some sort of


significance to the fact that right we had recently and happen on fertile.


The 29th, May the first.


That's right.


May 1st was all.


It was the founding date of the Bavarian Illuminati in Germany and the year. 1776 this.



You can find in any encyclopedia and any library.


Look up the word, Illuminati Illuminati comes from illumine or illuminate, meaning the worship of


light, the enlightened ones, those who are the Masters, who manipulate the world finance and



manipulate World Government Illuminati was found that may first 1776 and that's why in Soviet Union


all communist countries.


You have a great celebration on may day.


May day was a symbol for Mayday was the celebration of the founding of the World Revolution



conspiracy and in Germany and then later on goes into France and to the country don't have to burn


the city before the people see the real light of what's happened.


So that's why our Riot that happened.


Here in Los Angeles happen on May 1st.



It was all prearranged preset up by this government had nothing to do with the people in the area.


I've talked to many of the black people in the area.


Say this government.


You mean, you're talking By those who control this gum, talking about those who control this





Not not, not the government itself.


But those who are behind the scenes, who control this government and decide what it will and will


not do and the controlled the black projects, the Central Intelligence Agency.


Are you able to zero in on exactly who these people are?


Who are the government, the government, the invisible government about the invisible government?



Yeah, I talk about it is an evil, our key.


Well, are you able to zero in on as a group?


RuPaul and Eve are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.


I'm not saying all members of the Council on Foreign Relations are aluminous members of the


trilateral commission members of the club of Rome, those billions on eternity in the Bohemian





Here's a group of presidents up there with black roles.


Like klansman sitting around us huge bonfire at the Bohemian Grove.


We have we're loving this Color Picker Isabel.


Yeah, we have we have color pictures of the Presidents of the United States, all living presidents



today and dressed in large black, robes with pointed.


Headdresses, like the Klu Klux Klan in front of a large open fire pit, a pit of fire.


And the in the article appeared said that it was out to 12 midnight, all the American Presidents



line up on this Altar and worship The Owl.


And they said, the reason why the owl as used in there and their worship is because it is wise


because it is able to see things in the Arc, there's a message there.


The owl is wise because it sees things in the dark and that's why the president's and the heads of

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.21515095   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5105 >>5121 >>5130














state and heads of the, the government that we live under all meet at 1:00 at 12:00 at night to


worship the owl.


This is history.


Yeah, but if you don't believe it, if you don't believe it.


We will come back and do another show and Jordan will pull out all the pictures.





I want to see you can zero in on Gerald, Ford who has some sort of satanic Shrine in his home.


As I understand it from inside sources.


I had talked to one fellow at a, this was in Anaheim years ago.



At Knott's.


Berry Farm after a Billy James Hargis meeting who had claimed to be a member of some witches.


Coven and he'd mentioned, two congressmen which were involved in satanic.


Cults into her.


I guess warlocks.


And I only remembered one because he was the number one Congressman for the Republican Party, The



House minority leader Gerald Ford, then later the selected non elected president, who then selected


the non elected vice president, Nelson Rockefeller.


So we had a president and vice president of the Two states that were not select, Not Elected by us,



but selected by them.


And if you take a look at the administration's of Ronald Reagan, who said that Jimmy Carter, was


should be criticized or you, criticize Carter, for having had 18 members of the Council on Foreign



Relations and trilateral commission appointed to key positions.


In his administration, Ronald Reagan had in excess of 200.


He is as phony as a $3 bill and Ronald Reagan is not a right winger, folks.



He is a phony.


He is a phony.


He was known in Hollywood as real money.


Red Ryan.




And Ronnie, you've indicated that this conspiracy has some goal that they want to accomplish by the



year, 2050 spell that out.




I've done an article called Global 2000.


There's nothing out there in, you've read it, in Life Magazine.


You've seen the front cover of the NASA, seti program.


I mean seeing the big picture from outer space and you've taught they talked about a hundred million



dollar investment, hundred million dollars to invest, to find out, whether there is extraterrestrial




Well, there's they got something going here.


You remember, War of the Worlds?


The radio broadcast or yes by Orson Welles 1939.





Well, we've got something else coming in.


They're going to make the announcement that they have discovered extraterrestrial intelligence.


And this will frighten the people of the world's.


Oh my God, how can we deal with this as a nation, but we can only deal with in as the United







We're going to have a United Nations.


A One World Government.


Yeah, it's necessary.


They're going to say is absolutely necessary.




Tell me to fit to defend ourselves from those little drain men from the aliens that are out there.



They will make that announcement and the whole program is phony.


It's fixed.


It's set up and you're going to be the Patsy, unless you understand what's going down and who's


doing what to whom and if you and if you think that's a far-fetched.



Just remember that the Soviet Union was put before us and our media and out.


The vision and already showing our newspapers as being an evil empire, a frightening powerful evil


militaristic empire, who can't even feed its own.



And now today we find us like The Wizard of Oz.


He comes out from behind the curtain, we find out they've been starving all their life.


They can't even draw enough potatoes, to make vodka.


They have to import the potatoes.


They haven't even got a railroad trust track across the country.



They're starving.


They have always been starving.


They're broke and the only military materials they had, And if the stuff that we sent to them, that


we are not using any more shells of Rocket shells of planes and it's just an evil empire on paper




They're starving asked about this luciferian thing by the year 2000.



I was concerned when they send up the Galileo Mission because they send up the Galileo, mission to


explore the planet.




That was that went up in nineteen with its 87 or so.


Like that, it's already gone.



It's on his way, folks.


It's going to Jupiter and it's going to reach the planet by 1995.


It's going to circle the planet.


And then by 1999, it's going to be drawn into the planet where it will simply explode.



What does it have on it?


It's got Forty, Nine, and a quarter pounds of plutonium enough for let's say, 10 hydrogen bombs.


What is the atmosphere of Jupiter made up of hydrogen?

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:56 p.m. No.21515105   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5121 >>5130















Now this if it would to be, if it were to be ignited would give us a second son, right?


And I thought my God, the year 2000 a second son.


I was where have I read that before something struck me.


Wait a minute, Arthur C Clarke in 2010.



Odyssey 2 Went back to the last chapter.


Guess what?


The last chapters, chapters called Lucifer rising.


And he talks about the ignition of the planet, Jupiter by the year 2010.



And he said, in the at the very end of the book, you can read it, go to the library, pick it up,


look at it.


He said that the NASA Space program was interested in dr.






Why think it was or Jethro was interested in.



This particular thesis for the Galileo mission.


So we're talking about a space exploration program that not only is going to go.


It went up.



That was a 1982.


This was sent up five years later.


It's already on its way.


If that thing ignites, would give us a dual solar system.


So what we're talking about and they would say, needs name the planet from Jupiter to Lucifer,





That's exactly what Arthur C Clarke talks about.


I know we're talking about Lucifer 2000.


There'll be no more night time.


So they'll be no more opportunity for Crime at night.


There will be more sun now because you have two sons now in our solar system and the Innovative use



of the Drone system, like saturnus Cavalli, north of Anchorage.


And this may sound pretty far-fetched.


But you had better.


Look at the facts.


The fact is that this thing is carrying plutonium.


It's going to Jupiter and they know what it's going to do when it does, what it does.



Has crashed.


So NASA set a program could be used as the vehicle to frighten the people of the planet into


surrendering their sovereignty into accepting a one world government and weaved.


We're talking about a thing that a group out here called the Federal Emergency Management



Association, which came in Mass when the riots took place, they create chaos.


Smiley create control over the world headquarters in Switzerland of the world Masonic headquarters


for World Freemasonry over.



The door is Ordo.


AB Chao, which is Latin for order out of chaos and all Freemasons know that term or do ab KO order


out of chaos.


The concept is to create chaos to create the problems.



Then while the people of frightened to death of all the crime and everything that seems to be out of




The rioters situation, the government, then moves in with justification and order to put down this


terrible chaos.


They must have full power of the military full.



Obedience of the people that give the government full power to do whatever they want.


That's why we having all over the world wars, riots, Bloodshed famines, all kinds of things


happening around the world.


It's been manipulated.


It's being orchestrated, not just for a loss and conflict control conflict controls, been more war.



For since the creation of the United Nations, then before the creation of the United Nation, more


war since 1945 to 1992, then from the beginning of time, through night through 19, to 1945.



I may explain the Council of the United Nations were from the Council on Foreign Relations


concluding Alger Hiss.


The first Secretary General of the United Nations organizational culture, the fundamentalist kind of


talk about Their ideas are kind of parallel to this.


They at least have what they considered to be some Ray of Hope to Christ will come down and save us



all, or something like that.


Do you do 320 into individual whatever?


Have any kind of Hope or anything that we can get about the creation of a free world Alliance?


The Free World, Alliance free worldwide.


That's the creation of many, many, many different nations.



Where individual rights.


And sovereignty is respected so that we can do our own thing and our own time.


I talking about laissez-faire.


I'm talking about free enterprise.


That is not socialism like we have right now, what would it be fair to call you over Terrian or not?

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:57 p.m. No.21515121   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5130
















I'm an anarcho-capitalist or libertarian quasi conservative.


I believe in conserving, not the status quo but conserving freedom and these freedoms that we have


are drifting away.


They're going through.



Our fingers like water or sand.


We've got to grasp hold of the Constitution.


We have to use that document or we're going to lose it.


And the problem is is education.


That's where the real power is in the educating of people.



I have no eye on myself.


I'm not looking for anyone to come back.


No Messiah to come back to help.


I'm not looking to any of this.


I'm my belief is that knowledge is the is the thing that's needed people.


People need to wake up and discover who is running their government.



What does symbols of government mean?


What these emblems made?


When they see the national coat of arms?


The the the flags the emblems of seals the symbols, all of these things mean something.


Educate yourself, find out where it came from.



That's the only hope I see for the human race is the human race itself.


Waking up to find out.


We've been had you'll the oligarchy has extremely, right?


The oligarchy has MSI.


Lord maitreya, I call him Lord betrayus who's wrapped in with the theosophical society wrapped in



with all of this luciferian.




You go up to little Satan Place Ojai Valley and I was raised up there in Ojai Valley.


You going to find the Beloved Watsky Heights and you're going to find the Krishna Krishna murty


group, right next next door in the meditation mountain and I believe they're going to try to



introduce this Lord maitreya.


As the Jesus, the Buddha of the, as the new Muhammad, he's going to be all things to all people.


And they're going to be talking about a global government.



And we have to unify, we have to braid dissolve.


All of our differences and sort of come into one Amalgamated homogenized group.


Let me let me also bring out the atom Weiss hop in.


His writings, talked about if if I group wanted to take over the world.



And which would be a totally impossible mission, but if they and incidentally, that's what we get


Mission Impossible from impossible mission Force, which if you remember in the movie impossible,


mission force was IMF, which is the international monetary fund and the impossible mission force is



always working for the government overthrowing Kings rulers and princes.


But of course, the government will have no nothing to do with it and they were the bad guys and the


One World oligarchies the good guys, of course, and then television.


Has been doing this for years, and they have movies, like, get smart, get smart and in get smart.



What did you have?


You have the two sides Kaos and control again, we have or do table, kale, Kaos and control.


That's the way you get control as by causing chaos to take a lien politics and the Galea dialectics


the illusionary, right?



The Nazis National socialists and the Communists.


Now, the Nazis believed in total government, the Communists believed in total government.


He say, well, Gee, I'm not over there.


I'm so down the middle and you're half Nazi, half communist at off.



Hitler said, basically national socialism and Marxism are the same.


He said that on February 5th. 1941.




So there is a claim.




So what I'm saying is that when you get back to the original symbol symbols and emblems of the



secret societies and you understand as Adam weishaupt approach, which is was going to bring out of


my shop wrote that the One thing that will bring all nations together all peoples together because


there's so much differences between races and individuals, but the one thing all individuals will



come together for is to save their own hide.


So if you can create enough, Bloodshed enough, violence enough, Anarchy, if you can Finance organize


and direct it correctly to cause enough civil unrest and Civil, Right?



Law unrest, how about creating a new world order by Creating what the illusion that there are men


from outer space.


There won't be simply a war of the world.


This is a war that is declared against the world, and that's what they're trying to bring about.



If you take a look at the background of George Bush.


Take a look at the background of Adolf Hitler.


Where did he get his money?


Senator at Alfresco.


Got you bush.


Was involved as the, the chief man at Brown Brothers Harriman, Brown Brothers Harriman was involved

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 5:58 p.m. No.21515130   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

















in the financing of Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler.


So was General Motors General Electric Standard Oil Standard Oil, all of these corporations got to


be large corporations because they were financing both sides during the second world war and that's



that mean conflict control its conflict.


We're all workin.


Who was engineered Wars like Bridge.


Is are engineered to created.


You don't think the people that owns doesn't happen by accident.


You don't think the people who run the Ford Motor Company are General Electric, get up in the



morning and have their meeting and decide what they're going to do today.


They don't play them.


What they're going to do today.




They have they have highly trained, people who know what the company is going to be doing 10 years


from today.


They have an agenda.


They know how many how much oil is going to be needed 10 years from today how much rubber How much



glass they have to know these things you have to plan for an international corporations 10, 20 years


ahead of time.


And if you think they do it, you have to know that this government does it?


And if you're in the jungle, stand, that things are planned for the future.


When the Tomb at Yale University was violated, when they broke in, they went into one room.



And here's all of this Nazi paraphernalia.


This is the, the attorney.


All you are such a George Bush laid nude in the coffin, was born again into the satanic order.


They go into one room.


Here's all of the Nazi paraphernalia, Jimmy, Carter, referral, Jimmy, Carter.


Used to talk about how he was Thrice.



Born and all the Christians are all.


That means he was born again, though.


He said, Thrice Born Free Masons know what that means.


If you are a cultist or into Freemasonry, you know, what, the term Thrice born means and got a thing


to do with Christianity.


It means that you have been initiated into the sea.





Can we are, we're running out of time quickly here and we're running out of time as a nation.




Well, this is this is certainly a tall order.


I mean, I used to think that campus Crusade.


Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you think you've had enough, don't you ever ever tuned into this



program again?


Because in my estimation there's no such thing as enough and I'm going to continue to shove this


down your throats, until you understand it.


For those of you who want more listen to The Hour of the time.


I'm every Monday through Friday night.



This is evidence of double mindedness.


This is evidence of the fact that we don't even understand how we the people are being manipulated


by the powers of be the height of all the forces of evil.


If you want to try to put a definite label on it, you're going to play into the hands of the

Anonymous ID: a7b739 Aug. 31, 2024, 6:05 p.m. No.21515176   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5185





They want one world, one currency, One race, one religion. And if you ever read anything from Global 2000, you'll find out that they plan to reduce the population of this planet by 25 percent, by the year 2000.



And how they're going to do that Designer diseases. It's my thesis. It's dr. Roberts Trekkers, thesis that they have created AIDS and disseminated AIDS through the hepatitis B,



==vaccine shots to the homosexual community in the United States, for the Public Health Service.

And to the blacks in Senegal, Uganda Zaire, the Central African Republic Haiti and Brazil for the

purpose of reducing the population of the planet.==



By this 25 percent.

By the year, 2000 through the smallpox vaccine shots over there.

Yeah, what, I have a difficult time trying to get by here, and maybe a lot of people do to us.

We're uniting a lot of things.

I mean, the Empire State Building with the Empire Yoda with the Knights Templar.



Now, we're talking about AIDS, what's coming?

I'm just wondering and Christopher, Columbus.

I'm wondering isn't there any part of human history?

Where things are just the result of incompetence where I just have?

There is a concern.

Pharisee of this oligarchy to bring about this Global government upon the ashes of the United States



of America.

And all of you would be enslaved or slaughtered.

If you don't go along with their gig, the new plan, the plan, the New World Order novus ordo



It's on the dollar bill Adolf Hitler wrote it.

George Bush is implementing it a lot of people are concerned about AIDS and shook hands, man made



disease and there should be created at Fort Detrick.


Eric, there's no question in my mind about that, the World Health Organization, went out to give the

smallpox vaccine shots to the innocent blacks and AIDS is vector-borne.

AIDS is a cancer.


They don't want to come up with a cure until the population of Africa has been diminished




I think that black people in Africa, are an endangered species in South Central Los Angeles.

Not far from where we are right now, at one high school with kids, giving blood to the blood bank.


It was discovered that there was 90% that were hiv-positive.

These are teenage black kids.

I'm saying that aids is not simply epidemic or pandemic.

It's Mega pandemic and AIDS is murder.


This is a this is a designer disease and it is A program to mass murder people of on the planet.

Talking about the population, talking about South Central the Illuminati began.
