Anonymous ID: 2de686 Sept. 1, 2024, 4:45 a.m. No.21516530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6535

8kun Still Online

Constitution 101 | Lecture 1 extended course for those who like this type stuff

Hillsdale College where did isee this name before wunder


Zep_1:7 Hold thy peaceH2013 at the presenceH4480 H6440 of the LordH136 GOD:H3069 forH3588 the dayH3117 of the LORDH3068 is at hand:H7138 forH3588 the LORDH3068 hath preparedH3559 a sacrifice,H2077 he hath bidH6942 his guests.H7121

Hag_2:9 The gloryH3519 of thisH2088 latterH314 houseH1004 shall beH1961 greaterH1419 thanH4480 of the former,H7223 saithH559 the LORDH3068 of hosts:H6635 and in thisH2088 placeH4725 will I giveH5414 peace,H7965 saithH5002 the LORDH3068 of hosts.H6635

Zec_6:13 Even heH1931 shall buildH1129 (H853) the templeH1964 of the LORD;H3068 and heH1931 shall bearH5375 the glory,H1935 and shall sitH3427 and ruleH4910 uponH5921 his throne;H3678 and he shall beH1961 a priestH3548 uponH5921 his throne:H3678 and the counselH6098 of peaceH7965 shall beH1961 betweenH996 them both.H8147

Zec_8:10 ForH3588 beforeH6440 theseH1992 daysH3117 there wasH1961 noH3808 hireH7939 for man,H120 norH369 any hireH7939 for beast;H929 neitherH369 was there any peaceH7965 to him that went outH3318 or came inH935 because ofH4480 the affliction:H6862 for I setH7971 (H853) allH3605 menH120 every oneH376 against his neighbour.H7453

Zec_8:16 TheseH428 are the thingsH1697 thatH834 ye shall do;H6213 SpeakH1696 ye every manH376 the truthH571 toH854 his neighbour;H7453 executeH8199 the judgmentH4941 of truthH571 and peaceH7965 in your gates:H8179

Zec_8:19 ThusH3541 saithH559 the LORDH3068 of hosts;H6635 The fastH6685 of the fourthH7243 month, and the fastH6685 of the fifth,H2549 and the fastH6685 of the seventh,H7637 and the fastH6685 of the tenth,H6224 shall beH1961 to the houseH1004 of JudahH3063 joyH8342 and gladness,H8057 and cheerfulH2896 feasts;H4150 therefore loveH157 the truthH571 and peace.H7965

Zec_9:10 And I will cut offH3772 the chariotH7393 from Ephraim,H4480 H669 and the horseH5483 from Jerusalem,H4480 H3389 and the battleH4421 bowH7198 shall be cut off:H3772 and he shall speakH1696 peaceH7965 unto the heathen:H1471 and his dominionH4915 shall be from seaH4480 H3220 even toH5704 sea,H3220 and from the riverH4480 H5104 even toH5704 the endsH657 of the earth.H776


Anonymous ID: 2de686 Sept. 1, 2024, 7:09 a.m. No.21516965   🗄️.is 🔗kun



and from the riverH4480 H5104 even toH5704 the endsH657 of the earth.H776

Mal_2:5 My covenantH1285 wasH1961 withH854 him of lifeH2416 and peace;H7965 and I gaveH5414 them to him for the fearH4172 wherewith he fearedH3372 me, and was afraidH2865 beforeH4480 H6440 my name.H8034

Mal_2:6 The lawH8451 of truthH571 wasH1961 in his mouth,H6310 and iniquityH5766 was notH3808 foundH4672 in his lips:H8193 he walkedH1980 withH854 me in peaceH7965 and equity,H4334 and did turn many awayH7725 H7227 from iniquity.H4480 H5771

Mat_10:13 AndG2532 ifG1437(G3303) theG3588 houseG3614 beG5600 worthy,G514 let yourG5216 peaceG1515 comeG2064 uponG1909 it:G846 butG1161 if it be notG3362 G5600 worthy,G514 let yourG5216 peaceG1515 returnG1994 toG4314 you.G5209

Mat_10:34 ThinkG3543 notG3361 thatG3754 I am comeG2064 to sendG906 peaceG1515 onG1909 earth:G1093 I cameG2064 notG3756 to sendG906 peace,G1515 butG235 a sword.G3162

Mat_20:31 AndG1161 theG3588 multitudeG3793 rebukedG2008 them,G846 becauseG2443 they should hold their peace:G4623 butG1161 theyG3588 criedG2896 the more,G3185 saying,G3004 Have mercyG1653 on us,G2248 O Lord,G2962 thou SonG5207 of David.G1138

Mat_26:63 ButG1161 JesusG2424 held his peace.G4623 AndG2532 theG3588 high priestG749 answeredG611 and saidG2036 unto him,G846 I adjureG1844 theeG4571 byG2596 theG3588 livingG2198 God,G2316 thatG2443 thou tellG2036 usG2254 whetherG1487 thouG4771 beG1488 theG3588 Christ,G5547 theG3588 SonG5207 of God.G2316

Mar_1:25 AndG2532 JesusG2424 rebukedG2008 him,G846 saying,G3004 Hold thy peace,G5392 andG2532 comeG1831 out ofG1537 him.G846

what r we fighting for peace

Anonymous ID: 2de686 Sept. 1, 2024, 8:36 a.m. No.21517355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mar_3:4 AndG2532 he saithG3004 unto them,G846 Is it lawfulG1832 to do goodG15 on theG3588 sabbath days,G4521 orG2228 to do evil?G2554 to saveG4982 life,G5590 orG2228 to kill?G615 ButG1161 theyG3588 held their peace.G4623

Mar_4:39 AndG2532 he arose,G1326 and rebukedG2008 theG3588 wind,G417 andG2532 saidG2036 unto theG3588 sea,G2281 Peace,G4623 be still.G5392 AndG2532 theG3588 windG417 ceased,G2869 andG2532 there wasG1096 a greatG3173 calm.G1055

Mar_5:34 AndG1161 heG3588 saidG2036 unto her,G846 Daughter,G2364 thyG4675 faithG4102 hath made thee whole;G4982 G4571 goG5217 inG1519 peace,G1515 andG2532 beG2468 wholeG5199 ofG575 thyG4675 plague.G3148

Mar_9:34 ButG1161 theyG3588 held their peace:G4623 forG1063 byG1722 theG3588 wayG3598 they had disputedG1256 amongG4314 themselves,G240 whoG5101 should be the greatest.G3187

Mar_9:50 SaltG217 is good:G2570 butG1161 ifG1437 theG3588 saltG217 have lost his saltness,G1096 G358 wherewithG1722 G5101 will ye seasonG741 it?G846 HaveG2192 saltG217 inG1722 yourselves,G1438 andG2532 have peaceG1514 one with another.G240 G1722

Mar_10:48 AndG2532 manyG4183 chargedG2008 himG846 thatG2443 he should hold his peace:G4623 butG1161 heG3588 criedG2896 the moreG4183 a great deal,G3123 Thou SonG5207 of David,G1138 have mercyG1653 on me.G3165
