Anonymous ID: 649ecd Sept. 1, 2024, 9 a.m. No.21517440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7443 >>7623 >>7925 >>7966 >>8031


New Langhan


From my last post: "When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews. It's an irony of this platform that when you refrain from such conflation, you get it from both sides…the ADL on one hand, and on the other, people who insist that every Jew is nestled deeply in the pocket of the top banksters."



(1) "What is the point of detaching criticism of an ethnic group from its actions or the actions of its most elite members? How is hatred of a thing different from hatred of its essential characteristics? It seems as farcical as saying opposing 'whiteness' is not opposition to Whites as a group."

(2) "Average conservatives claim to be against fatherlessness, criminality, and laziness, but claim to love America Blacks. These are the essential ethnic characteristics of that community. There is no effective way to be against the characteristics but not the thing in and of itself."

(3) "[Only] weirdo leftists [are] hellbent on separating zionism from jews when 95% of jews identify as zionist. Essentiaĺly we're talking about power, and nature abhors power vacuums."

(4) "If we consider ethnicities as superorganisms with extended phenotypes, [then] What matters is the effect the ethnicity has on the world. Even if only a small percent of the Jewish superorganism believes in Zionism and White replacement, they enable the people that do believe in them to achieve those goals. The superorganism itself is still at fault. For example, in ants, only some percent of the colony is engaged in some specialized activity, like foraging in your home for food. [But] you still destroy the entire colony as a means of combatting them."


Comment (in rebuttal of responses 1-4): "Criticising all Jews based on the actions of some elite members is prejudicial. Just as we don't assume guilt for all neighbours because one was caught stealing, it’s wrong to judge an entire group based on a few individuals' actions. Individual actions should not lead to collective blame. This seems to be what you're suggesting."


My response: This is true in principle, but there are conditions. Specifically, it's true for Jews who live their lives as free individuals unbeholden to tribal interests. For the rest, there is a serious problem involving collective identity and utility.


What you write is true only for those Jews who do not assert a definite collective identity and engage in aggressive identity politics on that basis. Jews - like Blacks - overwhelmingly assert a distinctive collective identity that contributes to their self-image, fuels their tribal loyalty, and (most importantly) causes them to (1) distinguish their group interests from those of other groups and (2) function as a coherent political bloc which routinely puts their special group interests over the nations in which they reside. Given their increasingly disproportionate wealth and power, this is a disastrous situation. As long as it persists, both Jews and Blacks invite judgment in terms of group traits, group tendencies, and group statistics. At the present time, an objective judgment on that basis would not necessarily be favorable to them.


It's really vary simple. Once you assert your own special collective level of identity and behave in accordance with its interests as opposed to everyone else's, you can and in fact must be judged in terms of it. You've chosen it as your identity, and that's the price. The only people who have a right to judgment exclusively as individuals are those who define themselves as individuals, and this right holds only to the extent that they are "assimilable by the national identity", i.e., those who for political purposes identify with the nation and its founding principles, reject countervening racial levels of identity, and refrain from divisive identity politics.


While this once described most Whites, some Jews and most Blacks play identity politics all the more effectively by denying non-Jewish Whites the same privilege, and are therefore not entitled to be judged purely as individuals while maintaining their pursuit of racial self-interest. Jews, Blacks, and others who put their own racial interests ahead of their nations of residence and the founding principles thereof are no friends of the nations in which they live, including the United States and those actually descended from its Founders. As long as they function as exceptional political blocs, they must be legally and politically contained.



Anonymous ID: 649ecd Sept. 1, 2024, 9:01 a.m. No.21517443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7452 >>7623 >>7925 >>7966 >>8031




The Founding Fathers of the United States established this nation for a popuation that is "homogeneous" in the precise sense that it uniformly puts this nation's interests ahead of the interests of all other nations and peoples, and allows the pursuit of special interests only insofar as they are consistent with national coherence and cohesion (when this nation was founded, this was commonly understood and did not have to be explicitly stressed). In other words, the Founding Fathers implicitly forbade lopsided nonwhite-only identity politics.


The unholy slime who, by academic and media indoctrination and nonwhites-only mass migration, have made lopsided nonwhites-only identity politics the political modus operandi in this country are enemies of the United States and its true citizenry. In short, they are traitors. No one who has stolen or otherwise gained citizenship on this basis should be allowed to keep it without renouncing identity politics and putting the nation first. They should instead be relocated to wherever their primary allegiance resides.


This may sound radical, but the proper word is rational. For Whites, failing to develop a racial identity at this stage of the game is irrational on all levels. When everyone else is playing identity politics against national interests, it's a losing bargain all around. Whites must either do away with identity politics by any means necessary, OR form a collective identity to counterbalance the poisonous nonwhites-only version of identity politics that is destroying us.


Obviously, the group identity that Whites need to cultivate must not only be consistent with their history and culture, but exemplified by their best and brightest, those of highest moral and intellectual character. Professional politicians, bureaucrats, military and enforcement personnel, academics, media pimps, Hollywood narcissists, and sociopathic billionaires need not apply, as these groups habitually play for their own advantage and are largely responsible for the very problem we're discussing.


There is no coherent moral argument against anything I've written here. The people benefiting from this ungodly mess may pretend to have morality and ethical reasoning on their side, but that's a lie. They have nothing of the kind. All they have is a mixture of ill-gotten money and power, shameless deceit and hypocrisy, false propaganda (including religious or antireligious hucksterism associated with pro-migration NGOs), and a truly idiotic level of long-range stupidity.


Obviously, there is no racism in this post. It is in fact "anti-racist", asserting moral and political symmetry. If a given reader objects anyway, he or she can simply identify as an individual and sever whatever tribal, extended-phenotypic, or "superorganic" connections may have been determining his or her behavior. That, and that alone, entitles one to judgement exclusively on the basis of individual merit. Comply, and you have my warmest complements and sincere appreciation regardless of your ethnicity.


But meanwhile, just to be safe and socially and morally responsible, I'll continue to encourage the development of a cohesive, logically sound White Identity with which we White people can defend ourselves should the members of certain aggressive "minorities" fail to go along with my suggestions. We are presently governed by prostitutes and spineless vermin who smugly refuse to defend our interests. This puts us in a terribly vulnerable position, and we cannot afford further exposure to the corruption and criminality of our would-be genocidal exterminators.