Are you stuck on stupid..///
>How far away is the closest star?
>What do you think?
What is a STAR???///
>if we aren't being lied to
Do you see the small boy in the bottom left… holding a firearm…///
He's in a blue Onsey..///
It's lithography…///
The most amazing artwork///
I am not the secret sevice.. ok.. remember that…///
>>What is a STAR???///
>Fusion reaction of gas and elements
>An actor that is famous
What do you believe about lithography…///
Did you know that New Eyes have no idea what this means and that it looks anti-semetic…///
I know what it means… just wanted to know how you look to others on the team…//
This is done for FEELINGS… what creates FEELINGS…///
>Anon, that's preciselywhyhe's doing it. You new here?
That's why I point it out… ///
Don't let them dominate the discourse..///
>Demons are not God.
Does God use Demons.///
Does God allows others to use Demons.///
Are Demons always Evil or have they Recently been MADE to be Evil and thus Behave so…///
>God stands with Israel
>All the enemies of Israel will perish
Has God ever punished Israel…///
>The original God, the creator of the universe, is unknown to humans.
Are you sure… how can you be so sure, were you there when I created the Oceans…///?/?/?