Remember the filter tactic, they don't actually filter anyone. It is simply to suggest to on lookers that "safe spaces" are a proper way to deal with differing opinions and perspectives instead of taking an honest look at the information presented.
>Take notice to the first time posts which appeared after this poster.
A first time post, supporting a filter tactic deployment.
This is the poster first uses blending in tactics to create validity and reputation or evidence that he is "one of us". Usually, you will see them behave friendly and use multiple IPs to create consensus of their legitimacy. This allows for more believable deployment of dismissive tactics, filter tactics, and mask wearing tactics.
>This kike decided to create an identity with this series of cock sucking memes
>See posts for examples of filter tactic or filter suggestion tactics
This kike is quite easy to notice, a dismissive tactic compounded with a direct ad-hominem to bait an argument or fighting. However, it gives a great opportunity to point how this posters use of the work "liddle" instead of "little". (Liddle is often used by pedophiles as code for Liddle Kids)
>Dismissive tactic and ad-hominem to create infighting below
>Use of "Liddle" found below.
Notice this post from the "Liddle" kike, is supporting the one which attempted to deploy a filter tactic, for clarity's sake the one which is in attempt to deploy a filter tactic is the one who uses the Cock Sucking Memes as described above.
>See post for confirmation
Remember that the kikes are losing this bigly, their only weapons of war now are disinformation.