Anonymous ID: fe026b Sept. 1, 2024, 10:33 p.m. No.21520517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0521 >>0522 >>0524


Luk_18:39 AndG2532 they which went beforeG4254 rebukedG2008 him,G846 thatG2443 he should hold his peace:G4623 butG1161 heG846 criedG2896 so muchG4183 the more,G3123 Thou SonG5207 of David,G1138 have mercyG1653 on me.G3165

Luk_19:38 Saying,G3004 BlessedG2127 be theG3588 KingG935 that comethG2064 inG1722 the nameG3686 of the Lord:G2962 peaceG1515 inG1722 heaven,G3772 andG2532 gloryG1391 inG1722 the highest.G5310

Luk_19:40 AndG2532 he answeredG611 and saidG2036 unto them,G846 I tellG3004 youG5213 that,G3754 ifG1437 theseG3778 should hold their peace,G4623 theG3588 stonesG3037 would immediately cry out.G2896

Luk_19:42 Saying,G3004 IfG1487 thou hadst known,G1097 evenG2532 thou,G4771 at leastG2532 G1065 inG1722 thisG5026 thyG4675 day,G2250 the thingsG3588 which belong untoG4314 thyG4675 peace!G1515 butG1161 nowG3568 they are hidG2928 fromG575 thineG4675 eyes.G3788

Luk_20:26 AndG2532 they couldG2480 notG3756 take holdG1949 of hisG846 wordsG4487 beforeG1726 theG3588 people:G2992 andG2532 they marvelledG2296 atG1909 hisG846 answer,G612 and held their peace.G4601

Luk_24:36 AndG1161 as theyG846 thusG5023 spake,G2980 JesusG2424 himselfG846 stoodG2476 inG1722 the midstG3319 of them,G846 andG2532 saithG3004 unto them,G846 PeaceG1515 be unto you.G5213
