Peter Bernegger
Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.
Billions if you go back enough years.
Six State Attorney Generals publicly announced they have investigations opened. Along with the Secretary of State of Wyoming. In addition, and on top of, a national investigation has been opened.
Also, I ask Bank of America, Amalgamated and Wells Fargo: are you taking (laundering) large sums of money by chinese students and other chinese from drug sales? In particular from sales of fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamines'. Via issuing mortgages, like TD Bank in Canada is doing, in Toronto, Vancouver and Ontario?
Complaints being sent in to federal bank regulators by numerous people and entities.
@AskWellsFargo #BankofAmerica #Amalgamatedbank #WellsFargo @TDBank_US
you all might want to read up on Smurfing, foreign monies, structured money laundering, knowingly dealing with drug cartels supported by the chinese.
Last edited
6:12 AM · Aug 31, 2024