muh DEWs are a thing?
BEAMING pain and confusion
Aug. 1, 2009
Announced at this year’s [apparently 2009] Memorial Day parade in New York, Laser Energetic’s Dazer Lasers discharge a modulating green beam meant to temporarily impair a threat’s vision, equilibrium, awareness and causes nausea. When hit in the eyes, the effects take place immediately — even penetrating the eyelid if the threat closes his eyes, yet another reaction to aid in controlling the suspect. While the reactions are different, like Silent Guardian, “being dazed” begins to disappear once removed from the beam. Vision impairment and imbalance can last up to 30 seconds while the nausea may last longer.
Some people say they’ve been injured by neuroweapons. Should we believe them?
A secretly operated remote weapon which causes falling and several other effects has been available and advertised to police and other law enforcement since at least 2006.