Anonymous ID: 4ecd6f Sept. 2, 2024, 6:45 a.m. No.21521594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Happy Labor Day 2024

hey monkee man iam be lie ving


Act_10:36 TheG3588 wordG3056 whichG3739 God sentG649 unto theG3588 childrenG5207 of Israel,G2474 preachingG2097 peaceG1515 byG1223 JesusG2424 Christ:G5547 (heG3778 isG2076 LordG2962 of all:)G3956

Act_11:18 WhenG1161 they heardG191 these things,G5023 they held their peace,G2270 andG2532 glorifiedG1392 God,G2316 saying,G3004 ThenG686 hath(G1065) GodG2316 alsoG2532 to theG3588 GentilesG1484 grantedG1325 repentanceG3341 untoG1519 life.G2222

Act_12:17 ButG1161 he, beckoningG2678 unto themG846 with theG3588 handG5495 to hold their peace,G4601 declaredG1334 unto themG846 howG4459 theG3588 LordG2962 had broughtG1806 himG846 out ofG1537 theG3588 prison.G5438 AndG1161 he said,G2036 Go shewG518 these thingsG5023 unto James,G2385 andG2532 to theG3588 brethren.G80 AndG2532 he departed,G1831 and wentG4198 intoG1519 anotherG2087 place.G5117

Act_12:20 AndG1161 HerodG2264 wasG2258 highly displeasedG2371 with them of TyreG5183 andG2532 Sidon:G4606 butG1161 they cameG3918 with one accordG3661 toG4314 him,G846 and,G2532 having made Blastus the king's chamberlain their friend,G3982 G986 G3588 G935 G1909 G2846 desiredG154 peace;G1515 because theirG846 countryG5561 was nourishedG5142 byG575 theG3588 king'sG937 country.

Act_15:13 AndG1161 after theyG846 had held their peace,G4601 JamesG2385 answered,G611 saying,G3004 MenG435 and brethren,G80 hearkenG191 unto me:G3450

Act_15:33 AndG1161 after they had tarriedG4160 there a space,G5550 they were let goG630 inG3326 peaceG1515 fromG575 theG3588 brethrenG80 untoG4314 theG3588 apostles.G652 peace