Anonymous ID: 587555 Sept. 2, 2024, 7:05 a.m. No.21521726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1740 >>1901 >>2196 >>2293




Lindsay Graham, a Neo-Con and rabid proponent of using Ukraine as a proxy to ignite a war with Russia, has been participating in Atlantic Council projects since at least 2010.


It’s the Atlantic Council and their media contacts, in my opinion, that are pushing for large scale missile strikes into Russia.They are also the source for the claim that Putin’s red lines are a fake out. They state on their website:


“Ukraine’s offensive is now posing serious questions about the credibility of Russia’s saber-rattlingand the rationality behind the West’s abundance of caution. After all, the Ukrainian army’s current invasion of Russia is surely the reddest of all red lines. If Russia was at all serious about a possible nuclear escalation, this would be the moment to make good on its many threats. In fact, Putin has responded by seeking to downplay the invasion while pretending that everything is still going according to plan.”


This is the same propaganda that has been spreading into most establishment media platforms in recent weeks. (As a side note, the Atlantic Council was also heavily involved in the funding of covid mandate and vaccine propaganda during the pandemic scare).


The idea that ballistic volleys into Russia using NATO supplied missiles won’t result in Putin using MOABs or nukes is truly insane. Keep in mind, long range strikes into Russia will do nothing to change the conditions on the ground in the Donbas.


Even if the globalists can’t convince western populations to give the thumbs up for ballistic attacks on Russia using weapons paid for with our tax dollars, the powers-that-be have a contingency plan.Ukraine has recently announced that they have developed their OWN long range ballistic missile,and those weapons supposedly don’t fall under the supervision of the US and Europe.


Eventually these kinds of strikes will lead to a Russian response that will appear brutal; and western warhawks will squeeze that event for all it’s worth. They’ll run with it straight to the Pentagon anddemand a plan for US military conscription. If this is the agenda then they’ll need to make it happen BEFORE the elections in November.


Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race.I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap. They already tried to do the same thing with the covid pandemic and the inflationary crisis.


The timing of the Kursk offensive and the call for missile strikes on Russia is not a coincidence. Trump claims that his intention is to end the Ukraine war as quickly as possible once he enters office. This will likely mean a leveraged peace settlement that will involve Ukraine giving up the Donbas region to Russia. If Trump is sincere, then there are many elites in the Atlantic Council, the WEF and NATO that will not be happy.


They need to escalate the war into something bigger, something that can’t be undone. Right now, the war can be ended – All it takes is some diplomacy and forcing Ukraine to understand that they’re not going to get the Donbas or Crimea back no matter how many lives they sacrifice.But if there are massive civilian casualties on either side, the situation becomes irreversible. I suspect this is what the globalists want.