Anonymous ID: f7c124 Sept. 2, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.21522019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2021 >>2029 >>2036 >>2196 >>2293




Poor Kamala Harris is the blob’s wholly inadequate instrument to fend off this fate. If she continues to perform badly, the blob might not hesitate to try getting rid of her. That may be the blob’s last chance of stopping the election from happening altogether. The nation has never been in the predicament of having the head of a ticket resign or die in the homestretch of an election campaign. There is no provision in the Constitution for it because there are no provisions in the Constitution for political parties per se. It would all be a kind of improv.


And then, of course, America would be stuck with the unfit and incapable “Joe Biden,”heading the government, at least until something else can be worked out. Maybe that working out would just be the final stage of the coup that has been in motion, really, since 2016 when John Brennan, Barack Obama, and James Comey attempted to oust Mr. Trump with RussiaGate.Some kind of “interim commission” might be formed to “solve” the problem of the cancelled election. They’ll look for someone with “proven ability” to serve as provisional president — maybe, someone who has already been president. . . say,Mr. Obama. Voila and fait accompli! If he finds himself appointed rather than elected, he would not be in defiance of the 22ndAmendment.


Okay, now try re-thinking how scared Kamala Harris must be.

Anonymous ID: f7c124 Sept. 2, 2024, 8:01 a.m. No.21522153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the CryptPN



We know there are multiple Catholic NGOS assisting illegals coming into the US. They are giving millions of dollars the government to get the children here. My guess is these children are shipped to the Vatican to create more skulls and bones in their caverns. I believe they still kill children. If true Holy Catholics knew what the Pope and the Vatican was really doing they would destroy the current hierarchy and replace it with all excommunicated by the Pope. Francis is the Poop, not the Pope.


If Catholics cannot take down the Vatican, the evil will continue.