Anonymous ID: 6d5aa7 Sept. 2, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.21523425   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In 2019, riot police fired a water cannon with blue dye at protesters in Hong Kong

Anonymous ID: 6d5aa7 Sept. 2, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.21523711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3801 >>3878 >>3960 >>4083 >>4111

Ireland: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism


Teacher Enoch Burke arrested at Wilson’s Hospital School, Ireland after refusing to endorse and affirm transgender ideology.


Judge Barry O’Donnell, who made almost €400,000 from 2016-2018 representing TUSLA as a barrister, ordered his arrest.


TUSLA is the Irish State ‘Child Protection’ agency, an organisation saturated with LGBT ideology, urging staff recently to learn about cross-dressers and drag performers, and making acceptance of LGBT and transgender ideology a condition for fostering children.


What a mockery to expect Enoch Burke, a Christian teacher, to sit before this man and expect justice.

Anonymous ID: 6d5aa7 Sept. 2, 2024, 2:05 p.m. No.21523750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3765 >>3778


Quite ironic that this song is used by all the TikTok Military Psyop thots videos on TikTok and YT …


There were a lot of bombs going off in London and I remember this one time a child was killed when a bomb was put in a rubbish bin – that's why there's that line in the song, 'A child is slowly taken'. [ … ] We were on a tour bus and I was near the location where it happened, so it really struck me hard – I was quite young, but I remember being devastated about the innocent children being pulled into that kind of thing. So I suppose that's why I was saying, 'It's not me' – that even though I'm Irish it wasn't me, I didn't do it. Because being Irish, it was quite hard, especially in the UK when there was so much tension.

— Dolores O'Riordan in 2017, on writing "Zombie".

Anonymous ID: 6d5aa7 Sept. 2, 2024, 2:19 p.m. No.21523809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3812 >>3960 >>4083 >>4111


Parental Rights in Education bill


Book Bans

The new law also sanctions and expedites book banning by expanding on existing law '''allowing for

any parent or resident to object to any instructional material, books or other materials used in the schools whether in classrooms or school libraries.''' School districts must adopt policies allowing for such objections that include:

• “[E]asy to read and understand” objection forms that are “easily accessible on the homepage of the school district’s website.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2).

• Parents and residents may object to “pornographic” materials, materials that “[d]epict[] or describe[] sexual conduct,” materials that are “not suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented,” or materials that are “inappropriate for the 4 grade level and age group for which the material is used.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2)(b).

School districts must remove materials objected to as pornographic or detailing sexual conduct unless for a required health course “within 5 days of receipt of the objection” until “the objection is resolved.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2)(b).

•''' “Parents shall have the right to read passages from any material that is subject to an objection. If

the school board denies a parent the right to read passages” on the ground the content is pornographic, “the school district shall discontinue the use of the material.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(2)(b).'''

• Meetings “for the purpose of resolving an objection . . . to specific materials must be noticed and open to the public.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(5).

• If a parent disagrees with the determination of the school district on the objection, the parent may

request the Commissioner of Education appoint a special magistrate to determine the facts and render a recommended decision by the State Board of Education. Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(a)(6). The State Board, in turn, must approve or reject the recommended decision within 30 days’ time. Id. The school district must cover the costs of the special magistrate.

• School boards must publish on their websites “the process for a parent to limit his or her student’s access to materials in the school or classroom library.” Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)(d)(4).

• Each school board must submit an annual report documenting all objections and identifying which

materials were removed and were not removed as well as the rationale for the decision. Fla Stat. § 1006.28(2)



Beyond the specific enforcement provisions noted above, the provisions of the new law, like those of the 2022 Don’t Say Gay Law, may be enforced by school districts through individual disciplinary actions and/ or by non-renewing teachers and other educators at the end of a school year. Since the Florida legislature eliminated Professional Service Contracts for educators hired after 2011, a teacher can be dismissed at the end of their annual contracts without cause. Fla. Stat. § 1012.335. While tenure protections are available for those hired before 2011, schools may still attempt to

portray violations of the law as “gross insubordination” or “misconduct in office” that could potentially be used as grounds for discipline or dismissal. Id. §§ 1012.33,

1012.335; Fla. Admin. Code R. 6A-5.056. Education support professionals could be subject to similar

disciplinary sanctions for violating HB 1557 (2022) and HB 1069 (2023), but unlike teachers hired after 2011, they enjoy continuing employment status once they have completed their probation. Fla. Stat. § 1012.40(2)(b).

Anonymous ID: 6d5aa7 Sept. 2, 2024, 2:40 p.m. No.21523883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3888

President Biden campaigns with VP Harris in Pennsylvania


President Joe Biden joined Vice President Kamala Harris at a campaign event in Pittsburgh.

Anonymous ID: 6d5aa7 Sept. 2, 2024, 2:42 p.m. No.21523894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH LIVE: Harris and Biden hold Pennsylvania campaign event, plan to oppose sale of U.S. Steel


KEK, where have we heard that before….

Anonymous ID: 6d5aa7 Sept. 2, 2024, 2:52 p.m. No.21523942   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Beards, fake tan and nail polish permitted under new Defence Forces grooming regulations

‘There will be sergeants major having heart attacks up and down the country when everyone comes in with their patchy growths and pink nail polish,’ says one officer


Wed Jan 31 2024

