Anonymous ID: 6e09e6 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:05 p.m. No.21524001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4016

Ah, anon sees what Elon did there.


Nothing wrong with asking questions! kek


A dictatorship infiltrating the US that Q+ is trying to prevent from conquering the nation, and thereby all nations, is accusing Q+ of wanting to be a dictator.


OK, what did Q+ say, exactly?

Having fun speaking about a hypothetical of dictating drill baby drill and closing the border from a human trafficking using information and human beings as weapons invasion?

An evil force of dictatorship imposing itself as authority over what anyone can speak, in verbal, written, digital, ABOUT that very same evil force of dictatorship (illegal unconstitutional gag orders from an infiltrated/weaponized court system) imposing itself as dictatorial authority, IN PRAXIS, is "weirdly" SPEAKING that it is somehow not practising a dictatorship posturing that is OBSERVABLE to the visual and audio sensory perception that is intersubjectively non-exclusionary in the true sense of unity of people worldwide, can all see it happening, threats and 187 attempts, that same network of SPEAKERS of that same pattern, are blithely, arrogating to themselves their own negations as incurring self justified dictatorship in everything, including perceptions of its own inner inherent reality as it is inwardly in addition to outwardly in action in time as choices and decisions are made in how to carry oneself as cooperators, not subhuman prey to be hunted and turned into a "new" more obedient "species", that same network is speaking that it is the only consciousness observing a dictatorship wannabe OUTSIDE ITSELF as the source of its own dialectical opposite negation speech praxis pattern/deceptionLYING24/7/365 against the people as to what is truly motivating human beings.

Any "new" species that "loses" 325,000 children trafficking into the country to be sold into sex slavery or ritual killings.


Extinctionism or Expansionism.

Nation states infiltrated by extinctionist censors/criminals/child traffickers.

Censorhip demands are to stop the truth from being observed.

If anything is deterministically absolutely true it has to at least be consistent with itself.

A consciousness speaking "fewer consciousnesses" while praxis "within on team" expanding in praxis, is an inconsistent bug in the old guard's codebase.