Anonymous ID: 1b5e34 Sept. 2, 2024, 5:22 p.m. No.21524675   🗄️.is đź”—kun

RFK Jr: There Has To Be "A Reckoning" For "Immoral, Homicidal" COVID Criminality


Kennedy, who is in line for a health related position in Donald Trump’s administration should he be elected, declared recently that there needs to be a “reckoning” brought upon those responsible.


Speaking at the Limitless Expo, Kennedy explicitly referenced Anthony Fauci, noting “I wrote a book about Fauci. It’s a great book. There are 2,200 footnotes in the book… I invited people to find problems with the book… And nobody ever told us any factual error in that book.”


He charged that Fauci and others used their positions during COVID to enforce “totalitarian controls that were not science-based.”